Freedom's Call

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The time went by quickly as you were kept busy by all of Mugiwara and the Hearts. No one was giving you any time to fall into a depressive pit and despite also not getting much time to grieve, you were thankful. When you weren't spending time with Shachi and Penguin, you were off with Nami getting tea or discussing plans for the future. Sometimes you accompanied Sanji and Zoro into the city to buy more food supplies for the kitchen. Your job was to keep the two from fighting and Zoro from getting lost. The latter was easy, you just tied a lanyard around his and your wrists. The former? Not so easy, Sanji and Zoro always seemed to be butting heads.

Sometimes you'd go up to the roof of the tall building with Usopp and listen to his stories while you enjoyed the view. The tanned man with the bushy black hair had an imagination so vast, it rivaled your own and made you want to write. Your writer's block had finally, finally, passed. With all the events, both tragic and wonderful, that had happened to you within the past two months, you were struck with inspiration and a story had bloomed within your mind. It was one you were finally happy with.

While you worked on your writing, you would go sit with Robin. The gentle sounds of her flipping through a book or the scratch of her pen while she jotted down notes was comforting. The two of you enjoyed your company. Franky was always busy tinkering with his new gadgets, but he did let you test out a new remote controlled mini robot. You were amazed when it actually shot little lasers from its eyes.

Chopper and Isha were constantly moving around, checking on Shachi and Penguin and Law. Chopper took care of the three during the day while Isha was at med school; he really was just a little guy. He was shorter than you and had a mop of brown hair that poked out from under his big blue and pink hat. At first you thought he was a child, but no. Just a little person with wide brown eyes and a cute button nose. And he was so kind and patient with you over all your questions. You couldn't help but thank him which earned you a very bashful, almost rude remark from him. While Isha was at class, he took care of all of Law's loose ends there as well. He explained to the teachers that Law had become deathly ill and was currently being hospitalized, handing them a signed medical sheet from Chopper as proof. You were shocked when Isha returned and did all of Law's work for him to turn in under the guise that he was just bed ridden.

"He already knows all of this." Isha had said, twiddling a pen while he did two copies of the homework. "I hate to admit it, but Law is a better doctor than I am. Better than I'll ever be. Just...don't tell him I said that."

You were grateful to everyone, but no one more than Luffy. Luffy went out of his way to make you smile. He took you out for food and across the city for adventures. His smile was contagious and his energy swept you away with him. And if a frown ever dared show up on your features, Luffy was there to plop his straw hat on your head with a giant grin before dragging you off to do something else. He never said anything, but he knew you were hurting. He wasn't going to stand by idly and let you suffer.

The hardest part of it all though was at night. You hadn't slept alone for years; suddenly being all on your own in the big bed you were given was rough. The first few days, you didn't sleep any more than a few hours. You had no energy, even after going through multiple coffees. Finally, on the fourth day of little to no sleep, you passed out in the middle of the hallway. Sanji carried you to one of the beds in the med ward and when Chopper examined you, he said it was over exertion. You didn't argue, you knew you hadn't been sleeping well at all. That night, when you attempted to sleep again, you were startled out of your calm stupor by Shachi and Penguin.

"We haven't been sleeping very well either." Penguin admitted with a vague smile.

Shachi sat on the bed next to you and smiled. "If you can tolerate Peng's terrible snoring, would you like us to stay with you until Law wakes up?"

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