Chapter 45

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One week later
Siya pov

"Siya, you go and rest; I will manage it." "It's fine, Momma; I will do it." "Siya!!" This time she said it a little strictly, and I just smiled nervously at her and said, "Ok, ok, I am going to chill, Momma." Actually, I am having a headache, so Momma didn't let me clean the kitchen after dinner.

I lay on my bed with a tired sigh, closing my eyes, feeling my head throb badly. I sat up with a jerk, hearing a knock on my door as I dozed off. Sara was standing with a cup on her shoulder, giving me a nervous smile. She points the cup towards me and says, "Pallavi Aunty, send tea for you."

"Oh, thank you," I said, taking the cup from her hand. "Please come inside." "No, no, it..." "Don't be shy; come in," I insist, opening the door wider. I let her in. She sits on the couch beside me, leaving some space between us. Moving her eyes around my room, she looked at me, giving a hesitant smile, and said, "Beautiful room." "Thanks." I smile at her to make her comfortable with me.

"Are you sick?" I shook my head in "No, just a headache." We stayed silent for a while before I decided to break the uncomfortable silence in the room. "I hope you are comfortable here with us." She moved her eyes from her lap, and looking at me, she nodded her head with a little curve of her lips. "Everyone is really welcoming and caring here," she said in her small voice.

"You are really pretty, you know," I said, making her chuckle. She put a strand of her hair behind her ears as her cheeks turned pink. 'Aww, she is cute too.' I mentally said that, seeing her shy face. "Not more than you," she compliments me back, making me roll my eyes playfully. She smiles as she mutters, "Oh, come on."

Suddenly, my phone started ringing. She glanced at the caller ID and smiled tightly at me. She stood up from the couch and said, "I think I should go now; you should rest." Ignoring the call, I followed her to the door to bid her bye, as it would be rude. "It feels good talking with you; thanks for giving me company. I feel so alone in this big room," I smile genuinely to her for spending her time with me.

"Same here," she smiled. "Good night, take care," we said, greeting each other. I closed the door as she went to her room. I took my phone and laid on the bed. Seeing Ruhaan Ji's name, I quickly called him back and waited for him to pick up.

"Hello," "Hello," I reply, biting my lips to control my smile. "Are you busy?" "No, I was just talking with Sara."

"Umm, how are you?" "Good, you?" "Very exhausted and sleepy," he sighs deeply. "Then you should rest right now," I told him, feeling bad hearing his tired voice. "It's ok, I will after taking a shower."

"So, had your dinner already?" He just hummed from another side. "You?" "Yeah, so when will you be back?" I asked in a low tone. "The work will be done within this week, so in three or four days," I heard his sleepy voice say.

"I think you should sleep now. You sound really sleepy." "Hmm, right. Bye, good night then." "Good night; take care," I reply. "You too, clumsy girl," he teases, making me whine. Chuckling, he finally cut the call while I looked at his ceiling with a silly smile before squealing and covering my face with my palm.

You made me completely mad, Ruhaan Ji. I thought, letting out a dreamy sigh. And thinking about him, I doze off.

Next day...

I was making evening tea for everyone as they were sitting in the garden enjoying today's beautiful weather. "Let me help you, if you don't mind." Suddenly, Sara came out of nowhere and took the tray of cups from my hands. "Oh, not at all, and thank you," I said, taking the plate of samosa. We made our way towards the garden.

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