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As he said this, a wave of heat consumed him giving him a sweet relief. Crazy right, heat giving sweet relief, but it was because the heat didn't affect his body but rather his mind and heart.

Opening his eyes, he realized he was no longer in his compound, but was rather in a shop. Banjo who was outside, saw a wave of purple flames cover Tang Zhan and recede back into the meteorite.

Tang Zhan was standing on nothing but space, and in front of him were shelves that had in front of them section names, he was surprised by the neat arrangements, ' I didn't know an entity like this could be this neat.'

He decided to look around the sections.

"consumables... items... weapons... clothing, so these are basically the most needed and most sought after"

"I'll check the consumables first"

Heading to the consumables shelves, Tang Zhan could see it was also split into sections.

"this dealer is pretty neat, I'm starting to wonder if it is a she"

"potions... nutritions... skills" Tang Zhan read out the same way he did we the first section.

The potions comprised of smaller versions of conical flask but it had a cork for a cover. They ranged in colours and brightness. Tang Zhan looked at one with a neon coloured liquid.

[Level up potion; from level 1-2

price: 500 killer points.]

With a wide opened mouth Tang Zhan looked at another one randomly. It was green in colour.

[Healing potion; regains 5 HP back.

price: 400 killer points.]

"well it's arguably okay, after all life can't be bought and just being able to have a slight chance of extra life seems well priced."

"I need something within the price of two hundred and twenty killer points " Immediately he said this the items on the shelf began to shuffle between themselves. The expensive ones going into a space at the back and the one within his stated price coming forth.

[Potion of stamina; +5 to endurance.

duration: 5 minutes.

aftereffects: exhaustion for 1 hour.

price: 200 killer points.]

[potion of decay; decays undead when added to weapon.

price: 200 killer points.]

Tang Zhan shook his head.

"the better ones were obviously the expensive ones, this is so unfair"

Changing sections, he moved to the skills section. They looked like some floating liquid surrounded by a thin layer of glass. They also ranged with colours.

[Fire skill: control over fire.

price: 5000 killer points.]

"ha, alas seems like I'm so poor!" Tang Zhan sighed.

Yufei left in a hurry to go shower and change clothes as well as wash the soiled clothes in the washing machine.

Then when she had gathered up enough courage, she went back outside.

" hey Banjo let's also head in to see what we can buy" Yufei said, so that Banjo wouldn't think she was still afraid of the dealer.

"sure let's go, I was also waiting for you" the two of them neared the dealer and were also taken into meteorite.

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