Hint of Aura

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"Bring it on!" Tang Zhan dashed from his position, running with a low stance towards the zombie who was calmly waiting to receive him.

Tang Zhan waved his scythe in the air, before he then slashes it sideways intending to split the guy into halves, but the guy just punches the flat side at breakneck speed.

The scythe suddenly weighed a ton in Tang Zhan's hands, as it fell to the ground, the shock still ringing up his arms. Without giving him chance to rest, the zombie planted a kick in his gut.

The kick blasted him off his feets, as the wind pressure threatened to flip him over, but he held on and landed back on his feets. He slid for a while before he finally came to a stop, his shoes smoking and torn.

Gasping for breath, he quickly raises his left arm to his head, a truck like impact crashing against his arm sending him the other way.

The zombie was overwhelming him, every attack was forcing him to close his eyes, even if he only took strikes to his hand and stomach, his ears were ringing as loudly as they could.

He knew he couldn't win the zombie in a battle of strength, so he opted for a battle of resources, and the resource he was most abundant in right now, was his shadow...

... So he utilizes it.

His eyes starts changing as they went back to the colors they were the previous morning. Black around his white sclera, and red around his white pupils, his fangs also elongated as well as his nails turning into claws.

"Hmm!" The zombie stopped his assault and looked at Tang Zhan for a while, before he suddenly takes a step back.

His eyes squints, then as if he realizes something he suddenly takes several steps back. His legs silently began to tremble, his face shows signs of perspiration, as his lips shakes in fear, his eyes were darting around trying to make sense of the situation, but he couldn't.

He was about to take another step back again, when he noticed Tang Zhan coming for him.

'wait what. His transformation stopped, it actually stopped, hahaha... No, even if it stopped his reeking energy, feels like that hybrid.' The guy thinks as he dodges every punch and claw Tang Zhan throws at him, but he notices he is becoming faster.

'His energy is similar to a Werepire but stronger, maybe a Lycanpire from an Alpha and a Dracula, but his energy feels stronger it... it... it feels like an Aura. An Aura, only the royal races are able to have an Aura, if he's one of them, what is he doing in a degraded planet in the Lower Realms, this just doesn't make sense '

The zombie was actively dodging the attacks Tang Zhan threw at him, but he soom became distracted, his thoughts clouding his senses, and soon enough Tang Zhan attack started to get through his defense, hitting him point blank and wounding him.

Bones cracked and ribs fractured, he stops thinking as he realizes Tang Zhan was much more fierce than before, as he also gets serious.

He threw a fast punch at Tang Zhan, but he is shocked as he sees that Tang Zhan wrathful eyes calmly follows the trajectory of his punch almost like it was too slow for him, and truly it was just a tad bit too...

... slow.

Like an acrobat, Tang Zhan grab unto the approaching punch, and jumps while twisting his body in a n unnatural way. In the air he swiftly pulled into the hand he was gripping and used it to propel himself backwards, like he was going to swing from a bar.

He legs raised high up in the air, and descended backwards, his two feets solidly hitting the zombies knee pits.

Without resistance the zombies lags gave up, and he fell on his kneels, while Tang Zhan bent behind him and immediately sunk his fangs into the zombies neck.

The zombie notices this too late, but isn't worried, 'heh, I don't have blood, but he's definitely a vampire with a lycanthrope hybrid, and he has aura, but hybrids made from those two are lower races and can't have aura, so how does-' the guy suddenly dries up at a fast rate.

"Keukkkkk!" He wails in a voice so broken that it almost sound like screeching tyres. 'Wh- what is happening?'

The guy could feel himself growing weaker with each second that passes, he is surprised as there's no blood in him to drink from so what is the guy exactly taking from him that's making him weak, even his regeneration has seized all together.

[Soul energy unlocked]

[Gained 450 Sp...

... gained 450 Sp

... gained 450 Sp

... gained 450 Sp

... gained 450 Sp

Soul points: 2.250]

Tang Zhan removed his fangs from the zombie who now laid lifeless on the ground, his wrath finally calming down as he's able to think straight again.

'Did I just kill a zombies by sucking him dry, and not only did not drink anything fluid, but rather soul. How the heck did that happen?' He looks at the zombie and sees him twitching, finally realizing that the guy had regeneration.

'I better leave before he gets up again' He then turns around and jogged to the helicopter, the rest were surprised after watching his battle that took a sudden turn after his transformation.

'That was the same thing that happened yesterday, he lost all sense of reasoning and was all feral' The three of them thought as they felt the overbearing pressure that has still not left Tang Zhan's body.

No words were spoken as the copter lifted off into the air, then took off into the distance.

The zombies around were also cleared out, except for some few that were busy eaten their spoils of war. As for the zombie Tang Zhan had fought, he was no longer on the ground or anywhere around.


Back in the galaxy where only red was the presiding colour, with miasma everywhere. In the castle, on a different floor the 100% man kneeled before a projection. Inside the projection is a woman.

Not really a woman, her face shows she is more like in her late teens, but she was heavily endowed with the properties of a woman, but even with all these the man didn't dare raise his head to sneak a peek, not even a little.

"So according to your reports, you said the war is going good and well?" The lady through the projection questioned.

"Yes your highness, as your ordered." The man replied, his voice lacking all form of authority as he answers like a slave would.

"How many peasant has died since the beginning of the conquest?"

"Three million, seven hundred and sixty four thousand, with some few more." He hurriedly answers without wasting a second, this shows the deep fear of the man to the lady in the projection.

"That's good as long as none as faced true dea-" The lady couldn't complete her speech as the doors to the chamber was slammed open, and a guy runs in hurriedly.

"Sir th-" He was about to speak to his master, but he immediately retrieves his words as he notices the position of his master and the person in the projection.

He immediately goes on his knees and kowtow, "My apologies your highness, I am Zaeshmar, 99% Knight of Lord Oemáinor... and I being troubling news..."


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