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authors note: randomly reread this and its acc half decent so ive republished a few chapters, will probs delete again tho

Leo DeMarco:

The puddles beneath me ripple rhythmically as I step through them, the clear image shattered immediately. My eyes stay trained downwards, unfocused on anything in particular as the blur of autumnal colours whirs by. 

The small cafe that she loved so much resides on the corner of the street, the bright exterior a contrast to the darkened sky. It's relatively quiet when I enter, and finally my ears stop buzzing with the thrum of annoyance. 

I take my place in the queue, retrieving my phone from my pocket. The abundance of texts comes from the work group chat which I have muted for obvious reasons. I switch it off and place it back in the depths of my hoodie.

As my turn comes, the worker behind the counter's upbeat voice rings out,

"hi, what can I get you today sir?"

I blink slowly, used to hearing Silvesters gruff voice but remain impassive.

Pointing towards the brownies, I clarify "two, on separate plates."


she wouldn't approve of bad manners. Her reprimanding voice would come out cutely, her lisp shining through. 

The workers who's badge reads Liyana smiles, "good choice, if I do say so myself."

"I made them" 

She grins so full of happiness, it seems impossible for one persons face to hold so much of it.

"Oh well unless you hate them, then I definitely didn't bake them and it was for sure someone else's fault."

I nod slightly, hoping she'll stop talking and just give me the  brownies.

"Here ya go, thats £4 please."

The change gets put into the donation box and I walk to the back silently.

I stare at the wood grain of the table, mentally tracing the pattern before sighing and eating my brownie. I stare at the other plate for a few minutes before leaving. 

Forget this.

I drive back to my house, the low rumble of the engine bing the only noise to be heard as silent tear drops snake their way down my face.

Maybe I don't wake up tomorrow, and end up joining her.

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