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Third person:

Leo entered the cafe, on what was not his normal Friday visit. 

This was out of character, as usually his rigid schedule kept him trapped in a monotonous routine which was not to be broken. He put it down to being overworked and 'hungry' and this being the only option. However he knew damn well, that he'd passed about five takeaway places on the way, and if hunger was the only issue any would have sufficed. The thought of it being any other reason was one he wouldn't entertain for now, so instead Leo ignored it completely.

Having ordered, and sat down his eyes bounced around the room in search of a familiar face. 

Leo hadnt interacted with Liyana since he had entered as she was occupied with the task of restocking the glass case. Although a small part of Leo thought it was almost like she was avoiding him, and took on that task so she wouldn't be the one to take his order. 

He was being paranoid. Well, he hoped so at least.

He tried to ignore the way she was avoiding eye contact and instead focused on stirring in the sugar he plonked in his latte.

He occupied himself for a while, going from app to app on his phone, while mentally denying that it had anything to do with waiting for the appearance of a certain waitress. 

 However, when she remained behind the counter under the watchful eye of the cafe manager he decided it was probably time to leave.

Without thinking twice, he took the receipt of his order and fished a pen out of his pocket before beginning to scrawl out a note. It was neither glamorous nor cute with its slightly scrunched up wrinkled paper, and the light brown coffee stain that the slightly clumsy waiter had caused.

It gave it character is what he told himself in an attempt to not overthink his actions. 

On his way out he acknowledged her with a slight head tilt and handed her the folded up receipt, before walking straight for the exit without waiting for any sort of response.

For a second liyana wondered why Leo had given her his rubbish instead of putting it in the bin on his way out. However the letter 'c' in pen indicated it was in fact not rubbish but something else. Her lips subconsciously lifted, but her stomach filled with nervousness as to what it may contain. She suppressed her curiosity, mostly because jittery nervousness overtook her, and resumed working.

It was only when Liyana was back home, sat in the comfort of her cloud like duvet, that she slowly unfolded the note receipt thing.

On it the following was written, in surprisingly neat curly writing, which she found weirdly cute.


call me if ur ever stranded n at risk of getting eaten by bears or y'know just want to talk.


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