Part 13

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"Father doesn't like the freak!" Dudley calls after returning from his father's house at the weekend. He had spent the weekend venturing to the zoo and was gifted many lavish new toys, under the rule, he wasn't allowed to share them with his cousin. It upset Harry that his cousin was returning to his rotten self and requesting to spend more time with Vernon than with their family in the countryside. "He thinks George and I will be much safer under his care."

Petunia signed, both herself and Dudley had spent the Sunday afternoon arguing. She was sick of the rotten attitude that Vernon had assured his son was acceptable in her household. "Dudley, I've had enough of this tone. If you keep it up you will not be going to football practice tomorrow afternoon." A frown is present on her son's face, his father had promised to make the trip to watch him practise the sport with his friend after a long school day, preparing for their first game of the season.

"That's not fair!" He retorts before going on about his father's presence tomorrow afternoon.

Petunia sighed. Dudley was more tolerable when her ex-husband didn't have a presence in his life. He was believing his opinions on Harry being in their care, Vernon said it was acceptable to treat him harshly since they were providing funds to keep him alive. Harry made sure to keep a distance from Dudley when he was home during the week, their friends are school had noticed how much Dudley was changing. He was showing off all the presents his father was buying for him, including branded shoes. "Well then, you better turn your attitude around or you will be staying home with Severus to make sure you finish off your chores."

Dudley decided to sulk back to his bedroom. Petunia was glad George had remained the same within the visitations with Vernon, although she was choosing to have him remain behind on the weekends he was supposed to go. She was trying to pull George away from the man that wasn't his father, keep him safe from suffering the same fate as her older child. "I want to go live with daddy!" She heard Dudley scream from his bedroom before slamming the door shut behind him. The boy didn't like being told what to do.

Petunia finished folding the washing before peering over to see both George and Harry casually sitting in front of the television enjoying cartoons.

Nodding her head she finishes putting the clothing away, leaving Dudley's pile outside of his bedroom door. She wanted to give her son a moment to calm down. Although she could hear him sobbing from the other side of the door.

Had she made the wrong choice in taking Dudley away from his previous life? That thought kept running around Petunia's mind late into the evening.

After she had put the boys to bed, Petunia found herself in the company of Severus who had recently reduced his hours to finalize his studies as the future potions professor. He was undertaking further study for Defence Against the Dark Arts position, as that was his dream field besides brewing potions. Severus was instructed to keep a closer eye on Harry and relay any information about the mystery surrounding Petunia's other son. Both adults were drinking a bottle of wine that Petunia had purchased from the supermarket, it seemed they were able to relate to different stresses in their lives. "Dudley wants to go live with Vernon, rather than here." Petunia mentions being defeated by that statement.

"I recall as a young boy I did prefer the need to have my father's company rather than my mother's." He mentions. Petunia knew about his parent's strained relationship, overhearing his conversations with Lily when they were young children. "Allowing such a thing would allow more time on addressing other challenges in your life."

Petunia shook her head. The day she signed her divorce papers she wanted to change everything in her life and have nothing to do with the man who abused her for years. He had poisoned her against her own sister and nephew, the woman had the urge to still apologise to the young boy who was in her care. She wanted to keep Dudley away from his father, yet the boy wanted to be the mirror image of Vernon. That part upset Petunia as a mother.

"I vowed to change everything about my perspective on the world the minute I finally sought help. I'm not going to let Vernon have his way and take my children away." Petunia retorts seriously. "I have let that man ruin my life, it is time I will be selfish and get what I desire for a change."

Severus nodded. He agreed with the Muggle. Petunia deserved happiness and having her family torn apart, even more, would be devastating, although it will be a challenge as Vernon was trying to do the opposite as to what she desired. He had lost control and was desperately looking for it again. "Is there anything I can be assistance with?" He mused to the woman.

"Be a friend." Petunia states.

Although the hidden drunken desire lay there with the amount she had to drink that evening.

That was how the pair of friends went from enjoying the company sitting beside each other on her front porch to the forgotten wine tossed aside on the grass as they embrace each other in a passionate kiss. They would linger for few moments before fleeing to the bedroom, both hungry for the other.

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