Part 23

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The chaos that came from the wedding hosted at the Weasley property, meant the false sense of safety that the Evans siblings felt had dissipated. Molly Weasley had taken it upon her to make sure the siblings were protected from the mess after they received the warning that the Minister of Magic had been murdered that evening, meaning the balance of the wizarding world was a wreak. "Take the children and get out of here!" Molly heard her husband yell before Molly rounded up the siblings who were huddled in a corner avoiding being trampled on. George had witnessed his cousin disappear in the chaos with his pair of best friends, he knew what Harry was truly up to. The young wizard wanted to join him, yet he had to remain behind to protect his younger sibling, that's what he had been reminded to do by Harry in their former argument the previous evening when he was going to leave early.

The group spent a short three hours after sunset at the small safehouse cabin before being informed that it was safe to return to the Burrow. When they returned everything had been cleaned up from the wedding, not to stress Molly as she believed there would plenty to keep her mind busy. She was also informed that Harry, Ron and Hermione had disappeared and it was unknown their whereabouts. When George heard that piece of news he knew Harry was following through with the task their old Headmaster had given him at the end of the previous school year before he was killed. Harry had made the boy promise to keep a secret, he didn't want the trouble of the Order knowing as the news may alert Voldemort and his plan would backfire.

"Is it still safe enough to return to Hogwarts?" George wondered to the youngest Weasley sibling who remained in the living room. Ginny still wore the dress from the wedding, exhaustion was written across her face as she worked through her thoughts about where Harry was. She was concerned something terrible had happened to him.

The girl's tear-filled eyes looked over at George's own dark brown eyes. "I...don't know." She admits. They were due to travel to Kings Cross Station that next morning to return to their school via train. It was supposed to be a joyous occasion for the pair of twins who were in bed attempting to have enough energy for the trip, yet they were anxious about attending. "But we can't just sit here and think about all the different scenarios, we have to keep moving forward." She was willing to train to prepare herself for any trouble that she faced at school that year. With the crash in the Ministry, she knew there would be Death Eaters surrounding the school that is meant to protect the students.

They had to go through with sending the children to Hogwarts. Molly was afraid to have the newest students attending the school, as it was unknown on the status of the school. However, she couldn't keep the children at her home for the remainder of the year, Petunia had paid tuition fees for the school. Farewells were made brief with members of the Order making sure the Evans siblings got on the train safely.

George took it upon himself to drag his younger brother Beckham to the compartment where his friends were waiting nervously for their friend. He hadn't been in contact with them due to his stay at the Weasley home, the Order didn't want to risk of him providing information about his whereabouts of Harry to the wrong contacts. That left Millie to follow Ginny towards the back of the train where the senior students were, she was aware that most first-year students sat at the front of the train yet everything had turned into a blur the minute she entered the train, she didn't know anyone since her brothers had disappeared. George was under the impression that the girl would make friends quickly since she was a sweet confident girl. Instead, she had turned shy as she quietly dodged taller teenagers from trampling over her.

Ginny made her way to sit with Neville to see if he had any news from Harry, although he had noticed the small blonde girl trailing behind the girl. "I think you have a shadow," Neville mentions, looking behind the redhead.

The witch was confused, turning to see the smaller girl who she had found annoying. She had always wanted a sister, yet the girl was so much younger than her and found many ways to interrupt her time with Harry during the semester break that she had been present in her home. Perhaps it was jealously. "That would be Harry's cousin," Ginny replied annoyed. "She believes we are best friends."

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