𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 12

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Y/N's POV:

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Y/N's POV:

I walked to the seating area with Uraraka as Iida-kun asked about her eyes.After the rematch,Kirishima had won and now the two are the beat of friends.It was Iida-kun versus Shiozaki and then my match with Tokoyami.If i beat Tokoyami,I will end up having to fight Katsuki.I saw the state Izuku was in..'There is a chance I might overuse my quirk with him.'.After Iida-kun won,I was up next.I walked out of the room,going out to the platform."Start!"Present Mic yelled as Tokoyami unleashed Dark Shadow.I tilted my leg,sharp crystals coming from left and right,caging Dark Shadow and Tokoyami.I made a crystal wall as I controlled it,moving it to push them out."Tokoyami is out of bounds Y/N advances to the next round!"Midnight exclaimed.I helped Tokoyami up as I patted Dark Shadow's head as an apology.Onto the next match..

'Katsuki..versus me..'.I sat at the seats with Izuku and Uraraka as Shoto-kun was fighting with Iida-kun."Iida is out of bounds!Todoroki moves on to the next round."Midnight exclaimed.I was already walking to the direction of the stage.I kept recalling the tricks my father taught me."Everyone has a weakness,a button you can find and push. Some people show their weaknesses openly while others hide them. You can most effectively exploit the weaknesses of those who hide them. Push their buttons and you can easily deceive them or get them to do what you want."Father said while in a fighting stance.

'Katsuki's weakness is losing..what do i do?'I sweatdropped.Now,I was face to face with Katsuki on the platform.'No!Katsuki's weakness is that his quirk also works from his hands.If I keep moving arkund,he will have to follow my pace,not knowing where to actovate his quirk.Even if im behind him.Calm down..I can do this.'I breathed in and out."Start!"Katsuki jmmediately charged at me."I don't want to hurt you so I'll just win right now."He said,sparks coming out of his hands."Not a chance!"I smirked,using my crystals to get away from the smoke.

'The smoke can make me lose my sight.Who knows what he can do while I can't see.Best to get away from it.'."So this is your tactic huh?Running around."He slowly walked to me before charging at me.I saw his palm close to my face but I turned away on time,as he exploded the side of my shirt instead.I got blown away but used my crystals to stop me from going out of bounds.I tilted my leg,crystals forming under my legs,travling fast to Katsuki.He jumped away,exploding the crystals,I flinced.

'I have never heard Katsuki's explosions up close.It's so loud.'My breathing got faster..He got faster.'I jumped away as he exploded all my crystals.I got away.We were from a large distance.I touched the ground as crystals from both side of my arms formed and was directed to Katsuki.He was practically trapped.'But i can't see him..I should get away-'.Explosions was heard as smoke covered the entire arena.I yelped,feeling something hot on my shoulder.'It's burning..?!'

I hissed as it touched my skin.I pulled off my half torn shirt as I almost got pushed out.My breathing got faster.'I have to get out of the way!'He kept exploding while I just moved away everytime.'I have to keep doing this until he gets exhausted!'I was about to walk away when I stumbled.He took this as a chance to charge at me.I shut my eyes as I felt myself being thrown away but my back hit a hard wall.I opened my eyes to see a crystal wall behind me."How long are you going to keep this up huh?!"He yelled.

'He is getting angrier..'.I felt my leg being exploded.'It's like a burning sensation..It hurts!'.My crystals formed a wall infront of me which soon got destoryed by his explosions.We were at a far distance again.I tilted my leg as crystals came out of my palms going from each side to surround Katsuki.He took the empty path way and ran to me.I tried to jump out of the way but my leg got pulled back by him.I felt my back being thrown onto the ground.In an instinct,my crystals blocked his incoming attacks.I ran away close to the edge.

"Now your just trapped Y/N..should've just backed out at the start."He smirked walking closer.'Faster.Now!'.He ran to me,explosions in his hands as my crystals covered me but..he was too close.I heard a sound of shatters.'My crystals..shattered.'I felt myself being thrown into a hard wall.When I slid down I felt a soft embrace.I opened my eyes weakly and saw my body,heavily injured,my crystals around me..and "Y/N is out of bounds!"I shut my eyes.

"Carry her to recovery girl!-"I heard more of my crystals shatter as the one formed on my arms had a crack but not fallen apart.I then felt myself falling before my unconsciousness self took over.


I heard voices as I slowly sat up."Y/N sweetheart!"Mother ran to my side as Father sat on my bed."You did great out there."He patted my legs,covered in bandages.Father then got pushed away by recovery girl as she pecked my cheek and gave my gummies.'Damn..I got the green ones.'.I ate my gummied but feeding Father the green ones instead."You overused your quirk and when they were about to carry you to recovery girl's room,apparently your crystals had formed a wall around you before shattering."Mothee explained.

"Although they were very close to the broken crystals,it did not hurt them.You're body just needed to calm down."Father said."You got third place but you can't walk right now.So the place will be going to Tokoyami,okay?"Mother smiled as I nodded."Well..I suggest going home now.She needs suffecient rest before going back to school tomorrow."Recovery Girl said.Father gave me a piggy back ride to the car.I was changed into a new set of clothes as my uniform for tomorrow was already hung up.'I am really tired.Couldn't hurt for a short nap..'

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