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      It's been two weeks since the incident with Lorenzo walking in on me and Mike and the kiss we shared and since he dropped the bomb of him and Mike being cousins I tried to bring it up every session but he wouldn't budge and I wasn't going to push. We haven't did anything else since the kiss and I can feel the sexual tension in the air. Neither one of us willing to act on it out of our own stubbornness. We just shot sexual remarks at each other and at same time that I was annoyed I was also relieved that we have yet to cross that line. Again. I in all honesty don't even know what would happen after if we were to fuck. Mike has yet to pay me another visit at all and hasn't even answered my texts in regards to Lorenzos progress. It's kind of weird of him he always texts back I had a feeling that Lorenzo had something to do with that too but I wasn't going to dwell on it. Today I actually have the day off which means no work and no Lorenzo. I decided that I was going to go shopping today, hit the range, and check on my apartment then if I still have energy hit the club. It's been a while since I have been out with friends.  Going with my usual makeup I leave my hair down and decide on a white crop top with blue jeans and a brazier.

  Going with my usual makeup I leave my hair down and decide on a white crop top with blue jeans and a brazier

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Daisy's outfit

    While I touch up my makeup I hear my front door slam shut indicating someone is walking in.  Walking out I see Lorenzo strolling in like he owned the place. Knocking just wasn't his thing. "Lorenzo what can I do for you today? You do realize this is my day off?  As is yours." I tell him putting my rings on my fingers he ignored what I said and asked. "Where you going? What plans do you have for the day?" Looking him up and down I see he wore black jeans with a tight white t-shirt and white air forces with the same chain wrapped around his beautifully tatted neck. "I want to go shopping then maybe hit up the range and check up on my place." I tell him getting my heels on. "Have I told you that you look absolutely delicious. Can I join you today?" He asked putting his Hands in his  pockets. "I don't know if you are allowed. I don't think you can leave here." I say walking closer he just laughed shaking his head. "Of course I can babygirl I'm not in prison I can leave for a couple hours plus I will have my two guards with us." He shrugs sighing I give in. "Okay fine suit yourself." I say grabbing my keys and purse as I make my way out the door and to the back exit to employee parking to my beautiful car it's a 1968 Chevy Nova SS I heard Lorenzo behind me. "There is no fucking way this is yours. You never fail to amaze me babygirl." He grins shaking his head all I can do is shrug. "Like I said I am full of surprises." I say getting into the car. We roll down the windows to let it air out a bit. "I have to say that seeing you behind the wheel does things to me." His voice sends tingles down my spine all I could do was shake my head and smile. "So where to first?" He asked as I started to drive down the road. "I am going to my apartment first. I want to make sure everything is good and I want to grab my gun before we head to the range." I answered back.  I could feel him staring at me. "What kind of gun do you own?" He asked with genuine curiosity glancing to the side to look at him real quick I turn back to the road. "Well I own a few guns I have a Glock 19 classic, HK 33, AN-94, Berretta M9, and a colt python." I finish with a smile I'm proud of what I have my guns are custom made to me and they are bad ass if you don't like it oh well. I didn't hear anything from him for a minute I turned and looked at him to see he was just staring at me with astonishment I lift my hand and close his mouth and look back to the road. We were only about Ten minutes from my apartment. "I am actually fucking speechless. I was not expecting that answer at all. Damn baby who you hiding from." He joked but I slightly tensed and grabbed the wheel tighter and he caught on to it. "Are you running from someone babygirl? You can tell me I can help you." His deep voice soothes my racing heart I just laughed it off like he was crazy but to be honest he was spot on but Im not going let him know its not his business to deal with it. "Relax I just have it in case I need to blow a mother fucker away." I joked trying to lighten the mood he doesn't really buy it but he couldn't really say anything else as we was pulling into my apartment complex I parked and got out and turned waiting for him to get out. "Hurry your slow ass up we don't got all day." I snap rolling my eyes and make my way to my door. It's on level one so I thankfully don't have to climb no stairs. Standing at my door I was fumbling with my keys to try to find the one to my door, I could feel Lorenzo come up behind me finally finding the key I go to put it in the key hold and he smacks my ass so hard I drop the damn keys. "First the fuck off watch who you talk to and second don't roll your damn eyes at me." His voice hits the side of my ear as he pushes his boner into my ass. Not really mad that he did what he did I turned and glared at him. All he did was chuckle looking up at him I smirk and turn around and bend down to get my keys letting my ass grind into him. I heard him groan as grabbed my hips pulling me closer to him. I picked up the keys unlocking the door and left him waiting outside with a visible erection. He walked in shortly after pouting shaking my head I prop open the door and let my apartment air out.  Walking around I make sure everything is where I left it I left Lorenzo in the living room and made my way into  my room to my safe in my closet. Putting my thumb print in I open the door grabbing my Glock 19 and Berretta M9 I quickly close the door and turn around only to find Lorenzo walking around my room. "Jesus don't be just creeping around." I grumbled  putting the guns on the beds and unloading them putting them in the respected gun carry case.  Getting the bullets I was setting them up in the case when a voice called out."Daisy baby are you here." A feminine voice I knew all to well filled my apartment leaning my head back I groan. "God not right now." I turn toward the doorway of my room when I hear her  heels making their way to me. Then I see her come into view her long blonde hair flowed behind her and the black dress she wore hugged very curve of her body she had heels to finish off the look. She still looks as beautiful as always. I broke out of my trance when she jumped up and wrapped her hands around me and put her lips onto mine grabbing her by the hair I get in control of the kiss I push my tongue into her causing a loud moan to come out quickly breaking me free from her  I pull away and grip her by the throat. "What are you doing here?" I asked narrowing my eyes at her.  "I've missed you I have been trying to catch you at your apartment but every time I come here you're never home." She pouts but in all honesty her voice aggravates me. "Vivian how many times do I have to tell you that what we had was just fun it wasn't anything serious  I told you this before we even started to fuck with each other yet here you are bothering me, I broke off what we had six months ago you need to move on." I tell her prying my hands off of me and turning to look at Lorenzo only to see him watching everything unfold with a raised brow. "I thought you was just mad or something. Why can't we be together?" She asked before glancing over and finally realizing that there was someone else in the room. She look at Lorenzo before asking. "Who are you?" He glanced at me before looking back at her. "Lorenzo." Was his dry reply I can tell he wasn't trying to play into her either. "Well Lorenzo a little bit of advice, leave while you can you see Daisy has this thing about her that just pulls you in and has you in a trance not thinking straight. She has this power about her that will make you open up about your deepest secret while she has her entire life a secret. She won't open up about her childhood, her teen years, her parents, her childhood memories -absolutely nothing. It really gets you to wondering doesn't it? what kind of life is she hiding or running from, what kind of baggage she has but I can bet right it's something big, so if I was you I wouldn't even waste my time with her." she shrugged finishing her speech with a sinister smile. He took in everything she said before shrugging and smiling. "Guess its a good thing you're not me then sì?" This comment only pissed her off more she turned to look at me and glared. "This isn't over." She threatened making her way out the door I follow behind before shutting it behind her locking it in case she wants to try to do any other weird shit. Making my way back into the room Lorenzo lets outa low whistle before speaking. "Babygirl at this point when it comes to you I am keeping a complete open mind cause you continue to throw me for a curve ball. So who is she?" He teased getting the Glock ready. "Obviously I think you caught on that her name is Vivian and she is a crazy bitch that won't leave me alone. I met her a while back  at he club and then we started to hang out and we just started off having fun just teasing and kissing each other then she wanted to go further which I was cool with but I told her before we went further that it will only be for fun nothing serous thats it  and that's all and she agreed to everything. It started off great then she started to get jealous of girls or guys talking to me she started to follow me around to make sure I wasn't lien to her then she started to pry excessively into my life and I don't fuck with that I got pissed off at her and we had this big fight and I broke off whatever we had going on and she has been stalking me and making my life hell since." I finished with an irritated huff putting  away my Berretta in the case after cleaning it and making sure I put it back together. "You seem to know how to pick them." He shook his head almost like he was disappointed." I didn't know you was into women babygirl I must say I was very shocked. So you date both men and women?" He asked while I picked out some clothes from my closet putting them into a bag. Looking at him I shake my head watching his body language "I like both men and women yes but I don't date. Ever." As he takes in what I say he looks even more curious. "Why don't you date? You clearly have both genders falling at their feet for you." Setting my bag on the bed I think about what he asked. Why don't I date? He likes to pry and ask personal questions just like Vivian but something about him makes me want to open up and tell him my darkest secrets and that fucking terrifies me. "You know Vivian was right about some of the things she said I have a past that know one knows about secrets that haunt me. I have baggage that I don't want to burden people with." I tell him getting my bag and grabbing he cases with the gun in them. "So are we going to go or what?" I try to change the subject not wanting to talk about it anymore, walking out the bedroom I make my way to the font door unlocking it I turn to see him standing right behind me with a serious look on his face. "You want to know what I think? I think that you are running from something and you are scared thats why you push everyone away cause if whatever you are running from catches up to you you will drop everything and disappear but if your close to anyone that would be difficult for you wouldn't it?" He was spot fucking on but I don't understand how he can figure all this out from the little that I have told him its scares me how close he is to figuring me out and how close I feel to cracking he's gotten closer then anyone has every been. "Are you done? We don't have all day for you to try to pry into my business." I snapped with an attitude turning I made my way back to the car and put my stuff inside Lorenzo got in shortly after. I started the car and started to drive toward the range  it was only a fifteen minute drive from my apartment all I could think about was what Lorenzo had said. How can he just read me like that? I mean Vivian had her suspensions but she has never called me out like that but he did. His deep voice broke me out of my thoughts. "Your reaction gave me the answer babygirl." I turned to look at him to see he was already watching me. Turning to the road I see we was pulling up to the range. "Can we please drop it I don't want to talk about it." I plead parking the car and getting the cases which he takes from he to carry. "Fine I'll drop it for now but we will talk about it at another time." The tone in his voice left me with no room to argue but I was just glad that he dropped it. Walking inside I make my way to the back. "This is the longest that I have seen you away Daisy I'm glad to see your pretty face around here again." I hear a familiar voice say from behind the counter I turn to see Robert. I have known him since the first time I moved here and I first started to shoot at the range he was in his early 30's his wife is usually with him but she had recently found out she was pregnant so he was making her stay home more. "Robert its good to see you. How is Sarah?" I asked walking up to him. "She's doing good the baby is nice and healthy we found out that we are having a boy." He smiled proudly talking about his little family he then turns his attention behind me. "I see you have brought a friend. Interesting you never bring anyone here." He teases looking at me with questioning eyes. "Yea we came here to shoot I have been busy at work and haven't been able to get a chance to come by and I brought him along with me. Lorenzo this is Robert-Robert Lorenzo." I introduced them and they just nodded at each other. "Is my lane open and ready?" I asked he nodded in return still looking at Lorenzo choosing to ignore it I walk to the back feeling Lorenzo follow shortly after walking up to the lane I feel Lorenzo watching me like a hawk as I put the bullets into the clip and place the clip into the gun before cocking it and pointing it at the target. Zeroing my eyesight in on where I wanted to hit I shoot and hit the target right in the forehead. Feeling a familiar rush I unloaded the clip until it was empty and the staffer was littered with holes. Putting the gun down I put the safety back on before taking the clip out and pushing the button for my target to come closer. When it finally got closer to look at I see I hit every place I wanted not one bullet missed the target. I turned to look at Lorenzo because he has said nothing the whole time but I could feel him watching me with curiosity. "Babygirl you know this only makes my questions about you grow even more?" He chuckled shaking his head before taking my target down looking at it one last time before putting a new one up there and pushing the button to make it go further back until its in the right place. He took the gun loaded the clip and cocked it aiming at the target and started firing. Damn he looks fine as fuck holding a gun. I can feel the wetness in my panties get worse. The sound of the target coming closer pulled me out my daydream looking over at it I see that he hit every single target not missing one bullet either turning I smirk at him "I can say the same about you." I tease looking at the time I see that it was almost 7:00 p.m. I didn't have time to shop but I defiantly wanted to go the club. "Do you have somewhere to be?" Lorenzos deep voice comes close to my ears. "Actually I wanted to go out tonight we should probably leave so I can start to get ready." I say slightly breathless because of how close he was to me. "Great I'm coming with you." He said putting the guns away before grabbing me and dragging us back to my apartment.

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