Chapter 1

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I was just laying around on the couch as Killer came in. "Hello girl" he said. I glanced up at him and laid my head back down, not feeling to well. "Awww, what's wrong, girl? Not feeling well?" Killer asked, petting my head. "I'll go see if Boss can do anything for ya, girl or i can fix you something to eat that will help you, girl" Killer said. I dont know if Nightmare can do anything for me but ill go to him and see. I hopped off the ouch and walked to his bedroom. Huh...he's not in there...i went to the throne room and he was there. "Ah, Midnight. What brings you- im assuming you're not feeling well?" He asked as i nodded. Nightmare picked me up and set me in his lap, petting my head. "For as right now, Midnight, you are going to stay right here on my lap because I've got nothing else to do. Those stupid Stars' haven't planned on ruining our fun so just for today, its a free day for us all" Nightmare said. I really didnt want to battle the Stars' today since i am sick but me just resting will help me get better and i already know who's cooking. Its always Horror. He always cooks me some food everytime im sick but the others will try everything to make me feel better. Im the baby of the gang...well...more like family. Nightmare found me as a baby when they was battling the Stars' and i helped Nightmare and his gang then after that they took me in and trained me. A couple of hours later, Horror came to the throne room with some food. "This should help her get better, Boss" Horror said. "What is the food first?" Nightmare asked. "Mainly raw pig, chicken with no bone, beef and a couple of vegetables for her" Horror said. "Alright. I'm going to be feeding her the food. You are dismissed" Nightmare said and he fed me some of the raw pig and it was a rib. Horror left the throne room and Nightmare sorta just forced the pig rib down my throat, causing me to gag a little. "Im sorry girl but it's only to make you eat it because i know you don't eat as much when you're sick" Nightmare said, petting my head softly. After a while, i gotten full and sorta yawned. I guess Nightmare noticed because he picked me up and set me on his tentacle which curled underneath me, as if creating a bed for me. "Sleep well, girl" he smiled, rubbing my head and i feel to sleep.

Nightmare's POV

I watched as she was asleep on my tentacle. She hardly ever gets into trouble, actually, she never gotten in trouble as a puppy but there was times where she'll get scared while battling with those stupid stars. Cross came into the throne room "boss...?" Cross asked. "What do you need, Cross?" I asked. "I uhm....i like your brother" He said, nervous. I just looked at him "get. out. of. my. castle. NOW!" I yelled, accidentally waking Midnight up. "But....boss..." Cross started. "NOW CROSS!!" I snapped. Midnight started to cry and i guess she thought i was going to kick her out so i picked her up and held her as she sobbed in my shoulder and Cross frowned and left the room, leaving the castle. I wonder if any of other boys are secretly liking the stars.

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