Chapter 5

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Nightmare's POV

I went into my room and started to pack up Midnight's things so she can spend the night at Reaper's place. I had her favorite chewing toy, her sleeping toy, which is a plush of me that Error made for her, of all of us actually. I also grabbed a couple cans of her wet dog food since shes not old enough to have the dry dog food. Once i gotten her things, i teleported to Reaper's place and was greeted by her. "Heh, heya girl" i smiled, picking her up, after setting her things on the table. Her tail wags and she starts licking my face, clearly happy to see me. Reaper came up to us "ah, hello, old friend" "nice to see you again, Reaper" i said, petting Midnight's head. "Ive got all her things in this duffle bag. Her chew toy, her plushies of me and the gang, her wet dog food, her sleeping toy and along with her blanket" i said. Reaper nods "okay. Then she's good to go" He said, smiling. Midnight looks at me, tail wagging. "Dont worry, girl. You'll be safe with them for tonight. You'll come home tomorrow noon. Okay, sweet girl?" I asked and she nodded her head. I petted her head and set her down and Goth crouched down, causing her to go to him. "She gotten used to the kids and here. She's been playing with Goth and Shino practically all day. Raven doesnt trust her yet but he'll trust her eventually" Reaper said. "Raven hasnt tried to harm her in any way, has he?" I asked. Reaper shakes his head "no. Both me and Geno has been watching over her while her, shino and goth played together" he told me. "Good. Because if she feels threatened, she'll bite. Both Dust and Killer taught her that" i said "she's real brave as well" i added. "She hasnt tried to bite anyone so far. Like i said before, she's been playing with Shino and Goth" Reaper said. "Well, im glad. But a heads up, she will play rough at times. I told Horror not to play rough with her but he never listens at times" i sighed. I heard Midnight growl playfully and both me and reaper glance over towards her and she pounced Goth and pinned him, making Goth laugh. "Heh, she loves play fighting. Especially with the rest of my gang. Cross, he'll play fetch with her. Killer, Dust and Horror will gang up on her just in case those stupid stars tries taking her. They teach her to escape from them. Error will string her but not tight and teaches her to escape just in case 404 strings her, she'll know what to do" i explained. "Then im assuming Raven is teaching her to not trust anyone....but she always becomes sad when she tries to play with Raven" Reaper sighed. "You know, i CAN talk to Raven. Then he'll wont be an asshole towards her" i said, grinning. "Okay" Reaper nodded.

Midnight's POV

Nightmare let me spend the night here and me, Goth and Shino as been play fighting the entire time. After a while, i gotten tired and laid down. "Awww, she's tired!" Shino pouted "i wanted to continue playing!" He added. "I know but Nightmare said let her rest if she's tired" Goth said, picking me up and setting me on the bed. Shino hopped onto the bed with me and Goth and i curled up in a ball while Goth grabbed my sleeping toy, my plushies, and my blanket. "Whoa...who made the plushies?" Shino asked. "Probably Uncle Error. He's good make making plushies and puppets!" Goth said. My tail wagged, hearing Error's name and i gave a slight bark. Shino giggled "seems like she likes Uncle Error!" Shino chirped. "Error loves her. But she hasnt met Fresh yet" Geno said, standing in the door way. "Will she be able to meet Uncle Fresh, momma?" Goth asked. "Of course" Geno said. I dont even know who Fresh is. "Can me and Shino take her to see Uncle Fresh?" Goth asked. "I dont see why not. Make sure its okay with Nightmare before you do" Geno said. "We will, Momma!" Shino said, grabbing me and carrying me to Nightmare. As soon as i saw Nightmare, i barked happily and he chuckled. "Well, how has my baby girl been doing?" Nightmare asked and i barked cutely. "She's doing okay! I was wondering. Can me and Goth take her to see Uncle Fresh?" Shino asked. "Hmmm, sure but she has permission to bite him if she doesnt want him to pet her" Nightmare said. Wait...he gave me permission to bite? Nightmare hasnt really gave me permission to bite anyone until now. Is Fresh that bad of a guy?

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