Chapter 14

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On your way home you texted your friends just in case something went wrong with your argument. Your father is predictable in almost everything so you came up with a good argument.

As you pushed the door open you weren't greeted with the expected glare from your father then yelling. You were greeted with silence. As you and your mother looked around the house there was nothing. Your father had vanished into thin air.

Your mother tried calling him. You two discovered he left his phone on the counter.

You searched around the neighborhood nothing.

He also left everything where it was. Your mother called the police to report him missing. Weeks went by until his body was found. He was dead.

You had little to no emotions about it. You didn't miss him like crying but you weren't happy either. It was mainly for your mother. She was an emotional mess. Even tho she didn't like being with him it can be hard losing someone you've been with for years.

The next day you were eating lunch with your friends.

"I can see why you hate the kings (Y/n). It's annoying when my brother had them over." Theo complained.

"That's the only reason?" You questioned.

"They're not as crazy as you think." Hazel sighed.

You rolled your eyes. "Are we still going to your house?"

"Yeah, just a warning Leo is having the king's over. They have to plan school events or something." He shrugged.

Hazel glanced at her phone as it buzzed. She read something and then announced "According to one of their closest puppets under Atlas. There's a new guy named Xander that joined! It didn't mention if he's here already or not."

You still don't know how but Hazel got into a puppet group chat. The puppets of the kings are in one united under one. So Theo used to be in Leos before he stopped.

"I've finally found you my little birdy." A familiar voice said. It sent shivers down your spine as you remembered who the voice belonged to. The reason you met Nero Gray that day. The person that almost killed you.

Xander Crawford. One way to describe him. Crazy. Almost like all four of the kings mixed together to form your greatest nightmare. He's been in a mental hospital in another state for years. You two were on good terms. He had a crush on you and when you rejected him he pushed you into the river knowing you couldn't swim. He's in the same grade as you and Reese is scared of him. His hair was as dark as midnight complementing his deep purple eyes always hiding a sinister plot behind them.

You tensed up. "Aww, my little birdy why do you look so scared? I thought you would be happy to see me." He started deep into your (e/c) eyes.

"Last time I saw you, you pushed me into a river." You muttered.

"I've changed. I'm a new man now." He smiled.

"Like I would believe you." You muttered under your breath. "Theo I'm not going to your house after anymore. I don't want him having your address."

You prayed for the bell to ring and it thankfully did. You packed up your stuff and practically ran to your next class.

I didn't even plan to add Xander. He just popped into my mind. I have no idea what I'm going to do with him. I also now realizing I might have killed Nate off to early.

Ignorance Yandere!boys x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now