Chapter 26

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"No hurting not physically or mentally. I swear to God Reese you're so mentally unstable it gives me a headache," Atlas rubbed his temple.

"You still love me though right?"

"I will fucking snap every bone in your body if you ever bring that up again!" He threatened. "It was one time."

"Can we get back on topic now? She almost killed me and your talking about gay stuff." Jasper complained.

"I say we let her get away with it, wouldn't your rebel if you were trapped in a house with five guys that trapped you?"Leo reasoned.

"This is why no one likes you," Reese said.

You sat outside the room with Xander next to you, listening to them debate. "This never would have happened if you just took up my offer."

"This never would have happened if you didn't make me this way." You snapped back.

Back when you and Xander were still, friends. Before he pushed you into a lake.

You Sasha Xander and some unimportant people were all in one group. You didn't know how you ended up in their group, to be honest. Sasha just kind of came up to you one day and pulled you to her group and made you be their friend.

You were at the park with them and Xander asked to speak to you alone. You agreed because he was your friend and he wouldn't do anything to hurt you.

Xander took in a deep breath building up courage. "(Y/n) ever since I first laid eyes on you and forced Sasha to bring you to me I have fallen hopelessly in love with you. So will you be my girlfriend?"

You didn't respond at first. You didn't know how to respond. You didn't like him relationships were never your thing. So you had to let him down slowly. "I'm sorry but I have to focus on school right now." You rubbed the back of your neck.

"We can run away together. Escape from this town and live together. Me and you forever." He cupped your hands.

"I'm sorry just not into you." You said. You don't know what made Xander do this but he pushed you into the river.

You wanted to scream for help but the water filled your lungs. You felt yourself start to relax and give up as a hand-pulled you out of the water. You coughed the water out of your lungs as you gasped for air. When you comprehended what had happened you looked up to your savior. When you saw his face you realized who it was.

Nero Grey.

"Hey, are you ok?" He asked. You nodded in response. "We're in the same grade, right? I think I've seen you around school. All I know is that you're in advanced classes."

"I'm (Y/n). And yes most of my classes are advanced. It's no big deal." You said nonchalantly. 

"Why we're you drowning anyway?" He asked.

"I don't know." You lied. "Looks like we were destined to meet." You glanced at Xander who was clenching his fist. "I should probably call my brother." You were about to grab your phone from your pocket when you pat around for it, there was nothing. "Anddd I lost my phone."

"I don't have one on me right now but I know where it is." Nero made a signal to follow him. You did and he gave you his phone. You typed in Nate's number and waited for him to pick up.

"Hey, can you tell Madison to pick me up?"

"I thought you were carpooling back to Sasha's house in Xander's car."

"It's a long story but Xander should be in a mental Hospital and I don't think I can trust Sasha. I'll need more time to decide though"

"Ok I'll tell her" About ten minutes later Nates and the Nanny your parents hired arrived.

After the park, you and Nero started hanging out more. Then he saw you commit a murder and you all know how that ended.

"We've decided on a punishment" Atlas announced.

Ignorance Yandere!boys x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now