chapter 33

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The triplets spent their time decorating their rooms with Leo, Nico and Rafael. It was a bonding moment for everyone. They even got the triplets smiling slightly.

That was how they spent their day and the triplets loved the results. Each room looked more personal rather than a guest room.

A few days later when Lorenzo and Marco returned , the happiness seemed to fade. Lorenzo and Rafael went straight to Rafael's office. Marco who hadn't spoken much went straight to his room.

On his way up he saw Skye heading to what he presumed was either James or Alex's room.

He couldn't even look at her without feeling sick.

Sick out of guilt.

Sick out of the knowledge of where they were.

Skye backed away when she spotted him.

It made him feel awful.

He didn't say a word. He just went to his room. He couldn't confront what Frank did.

And seeing Skye was a reminder.

He couldn't help but head to his bathroom the more he thought of Frank.

He threw up yet again but this time he allowed himself to cry. It had been 10 years but the pain never went away. He tried so hard to forget.


"So you found nothing" Rafael stated as he spoke to his son.

"The police obviously cleared out the rooms, no personal items. We think this may be just a trap. To lure us out to try and find this person so they can catch us" Lorenzo said.
"And if it's not a trap? We can't afford to let our enemies escape however I agree. You and Marco did well. A team has been left there so we will keep an eye on it but if nothing is going on we will just have to leave it but I will keep monitoring the situation. If this man thinks he can get away with this he is wrong" Rafael said.  He acknowledged what his sons thought and didn't want them to get into any trouble.

"Marco is acting off too, he's barely spoken to me" Lorenzo said.

"You know what Marco is like, he doesnt speak alot anyway"  Rafael said.

"But this is different. I know he doesn't speak much unless he's argueing or something but this, it's like he's not himself "

Rafael nodded "I'll go speak to him" he said considered about his son.

Rafael tried his best to talk to Marco but Marco shut him out claiming he was fine and needed some space. Rafael reluctantly allowed him space.

Everyone changed the day they were taken but Marco was there. When he was younger he would shut down every so often. After that he got better at not shutting down instead he got angry and got into trouble.
The doctors told Rafael what they knew. Broken ribs, broken arms, several fractures.

But no one knew exactly what had happened.

That space Marco asked for turned into days and soon it had been a week. A full week of Marco not leaving his room. Leo, Nico and Lorenzo tried to get him out. Rafael tried too but he didn't want to push his son into doing something he would regret so instead of forcing him to come out of his room he would check on him. Make sure he ate the food, make sure he was okay.

Only Marco wasn't okay when his dad lectured him about needing to eat after he didn't touch the food, he decided to flush it down the toilet. His dad thought he was eating it.

He wasnt handling the truth well. He wasn't handling seeing the face of Frank again well. He often found himself throwing up. He couldn't face leaving his room.

The triplets didn't understand why Marco wasn't about but everyone seemed concerned and so it worried them a little.

None of them liked Marco, Skye especially was terrified of him. He scared her even with little threats.

Even though he was in his room , she hated when Lorenzo would leave and go back to his own home. Marco had told her how Lorenzo wouldn't be around to protect her forever and she was terrified of him doing something.

Alex who was more observant was wary, he had seen how Marco thought, he had seen glimpses of anger from Lorenzo but maybe they were just good fighters and he was being paranoid.

James didn't like Marco and was still angry at him for saying how they should have lived with the drug gang. He didn't care if he stopped in his room forever.
He hated how he treated them. He had no idea about how bad he was with Skye but if he knew he and Alex would have kicked off.

So now a week passed and the triplets were starting to feel more at ease, Leo was always there for them, he and Nico were the most approachable.

School was going well for James who had joined the science club and the debate team. He was gaining confidence which resulted in him being able to show how smart he was. He spent most of his time reading.

Alex was with Nico quite a bit as Nico had offered to help him practice playing soccer. James and Skye always watched to start with but they would get bored quickly so instead they would go to one of their rooms, James would read mostly out loud so Skye could learn too.

Alex would always come check on them straight after and make sure they were okay.

This day in particular Skye was tired so she left James room early. She saw Leo walk out of Marcos room looking sad and couldn't help ask if everything was okay.

"Everything is fine. How are you doing Skye" Leo said not wanting the triplets to know.

Skye knew something was wrong. She found herself not liking how Leo and Lorenzo were upset.  Whatever Marco had done she hated him for making them upset.

So that's why she accepted the anwser with the intention of going to Marco and finding out what had happened. No one would tell them and although she was terrified she felt like she needed to know.

Ok so I forgot to ask last chapter but does everyone still hate Marco, how are you all feeling about him?
His actions have no excuse really but if it's unclear it's been done out of trauma as you will see more in the next chapter.

The lost tripletsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon