chapter 39

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Skye caught up to Marco as he entered a room that Leo and Nico hadn't shown them. She didn't know what to do but she knew from experience, being alone wasn't always the best thing.

She gulped as she quietly entered. The room was dark and for a split second brief flashbacks got her.

The room was mostly empty except a few punch bags, lots of little items which were obviously old most were made from wood or glass and close by was a baseball bat. Then there was Marco who had hold of one of the baseball bats and kept hitting the glass cabinets.

Marco didn't bother looking to see who entered, he didn't care. His brothers and father knew not to bother him in this room. After destroying too many ornaments or even walls, Rafael had this room created for when Marco couldn't control his anger. He had been here so many times since the triplets came back and broken so many items.

His older brothers could control their anger usually but on occasion they used this room too.


Hearing her voice he immediately stopped but he glared at her. She shouldn't be here "I suggest you leave" he spoke deadly calm.

"But..." Skye tried.

"Get out now" he snapped as he swung the bat at some random glass object.

She didn't leave and it frustrated him. His mind started to go elsewhere and the more he hit the glass to stop the anger the more he got angry.

He snapped and approached a shaking Skye. She had wanted to leave but she didn't want to leave him alone. As he approached her she started to back away. Following him was the worst idea she probably had, she thought.

"I told you to leave" he snapped pointing the bat in her face.

"Oh well. You want to stay. Let's see if you still think staying was a good idea after" he continued and pulled her along to where he had been attacking random objects.

He made her stand next to him watching closely as he attacked the objects most were old cabinets and cupboards. She flinched everytime glass or wood came flying at her. She flinched as she realised how dangerous Marco could be. It only took one swing to break an item and send pieces flying towards her landing just by her. None of them hit her but she was terrified.

"Marco please I'm sorry I'll leave you" she quietly tried but of course Marco was too far gone.

He didn't even process her voice. He just kept swinging the bat, destroying everything.

Everything was soon destroyed and Marco then turned to Skye with a sickening grin "you just had to come in didn't you. I told you to leave. Why the fuck didn't you leave" he began to shout but Skye caught the small crack in his voice. He was hurting.

"I told them to leave. I told them. They didn't listen.  He didn't stop. I told him too. He didn't listen. Why the fuck didn't you listen. You should have listened" he began rambling about listening and Skye knew exactly what he meant and despite how terrified she was, she slowly hugged him.

Marco didn't know how to react but he had dropped the bat and seconds passed as he realized Skye was hugging him. He didn't waste anytime and hugged her back, holding her tightly.

"He didn't listen. He didn't stop" he mumbled still in a daze.

Skye didn't let go and oddly she found his hug sort of comforting.

Suddenly Marco pulled away "I apologize, you shouldn't have had to witness that. Just this room is off limits, as you can see I like to break things" he said in a formal tone, shutting himself down.

He didn't want to relive it.

"I'm sorry for Alex, he doesn't know and all his life he's had to protect us so he's not used to this. Please don't be angry at him for his comment" she replied.

"I'm not. Not anymore. He had to protect you. I should have been there, I should have been the one to protect you, to protect James and Alex but I failed"

"You were only 8, you were a victim too " Skye said.

"I could have done more"

"You can start now?" She suggested hoping he would become more approachable.

Marco nodded "I guess I can try"

So this was a very short chapter but I feel this is a good place to end it. Sorry my updates aren't as regular anymore.

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