Dumped (22)

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------>>> I'd like to say a HUGEEE thanks to @Ari3ll3-Sanazay for the AWESOME cover! <<<--------




“So, will you do it?" Rosie asked.

I was barely listening to her; there was only one thing on my mind - or rather, one person. I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about our little moment at the cemetery, the day before. I really did hope he’d get better – closure was definitely key to moving forward. 

Rosie and I were seated in my office. She'd just shown up, out of the blue, a few hours earlier, with a thick ring binder full of wedding plans and paraphernalia, etc. Ever since my mother’s dinner ambush, Rosie had been hanging around with me a lot; I guess she seemed to think all was forgotten. I had forgiven her – I really couldn’t care less – but it was most definitely not forgotten; we were most likely never going to be as close as we were before, and I think she knew that, which was why she’d been trying so hard.

We'd all blown off my mom's scheduled intervention - if Rosie's life was going to come crashing down, all we could do was to be there to help her pick up the pieces. 

"Do what?" I asked, looking up from the bridal magazine she'd thrown at me.

It was a relaxed day – being a Friday and all – so, I wasn't so bothered about missing out on work. Besides, she is my sister – so, even as much as I hate weddings, I sucked it up and helped look for table centerpieces. 

"Deana!" she whined. "Where's your head?"

Right on cue, Jeremy walked in. When he saw the table, and all of its contents, he raised his brows.

Rosie beamed. "Oh, I'm sorry. Just making my wedding plans."

"It's fine. Congratulations", he said, with a nod – causing her to grin even wider – and then turned to me, "Deana? Can I talk to you for a second?"

I excused myself, and trailed after him, my heart skipping with every step.

"Sorry about that", I mumbled, hoping it wasn't sparking up memories of Lauren planning for his own wedding.

He smiled slightly. "That's okay . . . so, I'm going to New York for a few days. Savvy thought it'd be good for us to take a little vacation or something", he answered.

"Oh . . . Okay. Is there anything you need me to do?" I asked, not wanting to show my disappointment. 

I wasn't sure why exactly I was - disappointed, I mean. Maybe it was the fact that I wouldn't get to see him for the next few days. Or the fact that he was probably only telling me because of work stuff.

"Um . . . No. I just . . I just wanted to tell you", he said, nervously.

"Oh", I whispered, smiling slightly, "Well . . . thank you."

He nodded and then, after a brief silence, said, "So . . . see you . . . I guess."

I grinned and nodded, "Yeah, see you", and he turned to leave. 

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