Dumped (29)

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Thank you guys so much for ALL your comments! Each and every one makes me smile! :-D

And, thanks for reading.





It was the day after Jeremy’s birthday, and I hadn’t seen him since then. I’d had dinner with him, Brad and Sophie, but I’d gone straight home afterwards. I’d stayed in late at work today – missing out on a day of work had its consequences – but he’d had meetings all day, so we’d only breezed past each other in the hallways.

So, when I opened my door and saw him standing there, I couldn’t help the bubble of delight that floated in my chest.

“Hey!” I said, with a small smile. Sometimes, I tried to mask how happy or sad I was with a plain and simple expression.

And then, I saw his expression.

A hint of fear.

Some worry.

And confusion.

“What is it?” I asked, my heart sinking fast.

“Deana, it’s your mom”, he said, quietly.


"What about my mom?" I asked. 

Please don't say it, I prayed, thinking the only thought that was in my head; the first thought that'd pop into anyone's head at the sound of that sentence - well, at least, under this particular circumstance.

"She's in hospital", he said softly.

I sucked in my breath and my body became tense. I felt my heart rate speed up, as I swallowed hard. I could feel a migraine coming on.

“Is she . . . ---”, I began, feeling fear work its way through my nerves, but he cut me off.

“She’s okay”, he said quickly.

I relaxed and let out a sigh of relief.

"What happened?" I asked, needing complete precision. 

"She had a heart attack . . . in the driver's seat of her car . . . coming down here", he said slowly, treading carefully.

Oh God. Yet another thing that was all my fault.

I ran my hands through my hair, and tried to stay balanced on my wobbly legs. He stepped forward, pulling me into his arms and I buried my face in his chest. The sound of his steady heart rate made mine slow down.

“How did you know?” I asked, curious, stepping back.

"Well, my mom and I went to see this doctor friend of hers, just before we went to the airport, and we were there when they brought your mom in”, he answered.

"Is . . is she going to be okay?" I whispered, my voice breaking slightly.

“They did CPR and had to defibrillate her, but she came around. They’re keeping a close eye on her, though. Rosie and your dad were already there when I left”, he said.

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