Chapter 13: The Maze (Again)

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Mary tugged on Dash's sleeve as the manor house disappeared behind the tall hedges of the maze.

"Hold on," he muttered. "We need to get further in or it might look suspicious."

"Or like we're too eager?" she said drolly, which earned her a chuckle. "But no, I think I saw Jane!"

"Where?" Dash pulled her further into the maze, apparently not willing to risk their cover to investigate. She supposed he was right, even if her automatic reaction was to want to run to the house to find the room the woman had appeared in.

"In a window. She was looking down at us. Too far away for me to see her properly, but I could have sworn it was her."

"I'll keep an eye open once I join the private party in Hayes's chambers later tonight. Maybe she's hiding out in there." He made a face. "Let's just hope she does not join the private party. That's..." His words trailed off as he stared straight ahead.

"Dash?" She looked up at his profile as they walked between the green walls of the maze. "What are the private party like?"

A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "I won't tell you. It would scandalise you."

She frowned. "More than these past days already have?"


His short answer only fuelled her curiosity, but she didn't ask again. Maybe she really did not want to know. Only she did.

"I think you will find that I am difficult to shock." That was a lie. She had been plenty shocked already since arriving at Hayes's estate.

"Darling," Dash drawled. "I think you will find that you would most definitely be shocked."

"I'm not your darling," she grumbled.

"Everyone is my darling." He flashed her a big grin. Then he let her go. "Ah, here we are."

They had reached what must be the middle of the maze. A fountain occupied the middle of the square space, and colourful flowers dotted the flowerbeds surrounding it. Two benches sat on opposite sides of the stone fountain. Someone had left baskets of fruit and bread in the grass next to a bench. It was a beautiful, secluded area and would have been romantic if not for the purpose for which it was used tonight. She imagined that if a different couple had been sent into the maze, they might have enjoyed a tryst on one of the benches. Or in the soft grass next to the flowerbeds. Her cheeks heated.

"Don't worry, I'm not planning to seduce you." Dash winked at her, and she wished she had something heavy to throw at his annoying head.

"You couldn't even if you tried," she said pertly.

His blue eyes glittered mischievously. "Is that a challenge?"

"No. A statement." She straightened and affected an official tone. "A declaration of truth, if you will."

Dash chuckled. Sitting down on a bench, he picked up a handful of grapes and popped one into his mouth. "I suppose you're too preoccupied with Osborne, anyway."

She froze. "What?"

He smirked. "Come now. The two of you cannot stop stealing glances when the other isn't looking. There is obviously something going on there."

"Has... Has he said anything?"

Dash's smirk widened. "If he has, surely you would not expect me to break his confidence?"

She clenched her fists as she glared at him. He knew very well she would never ask him to break someone's confidence. He was so annoying. She took it all back. She definitely couldn't see what Olivia saw in the incorrigible rake. Opening her mouth to tell him exactly what she thought, she was interrupted by him standing up and brushing imagined creases off his breeches.

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