Chapter Eleven | What do Disney World and Viagra have in common?

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It was early in the morning, another day in my shop.

After the series from yesterday, Nicholas returned to his job. He may have taken offence when I told him that I wasn't a charitable person. But I found it annoying because I didn't require his assistance with everything. Hundred thousand dollars was simply too much. With that money, I could establish my own company, which would be much better.

I didn't need to get used to having him pay for everything.

I was walking towards the shop, headphones in and my glasses on in case of any paparazzi. I was seriously not bothered for them; the shop was empty along with the streets since it is ten in the morning.

I continued hiking when I noticed a figure leaning against my window of the store. Both hands in his pocket, I rip out my headphones when I take my keys out from my pockets. "Can I help you?" I asked shoving my keys inside, the man's hands slip out of his pockets to pull his hood down. I hold onto my keys; I didn't like judging, but I felt uncomfortable.

"I'm Jakes older brother, you must be the famous Arabella Taylor he keeps talking about." I let out a sigh of relief as I give him a heart-warming smile. He was good looking but not as good looking as Nicholas. Why am I comparing the two for?

He had blonde hair like Jake and green eyes, they seemed very alike but you could tell he was older. I open my shop door and nod my head as I indicate that he can come inside. "Right, well you know my name. What's yours?"

"Mike, short for Michael." I shake his hands as I slip my coat of, pushing my hair out. I knew I wouldn't be here for long since I have a shopping spree with Ace. So, I decided to look slightly better than yesterday, I was wearing a beige V-Neck long sleeve tight fitted bodycon dress. With a pair of my favourite heels. Thanks to Lauren.

"Wow...You wear this to a florist? I should visit more flower shops."

I chuckle softly and shake my head as I grab an apron for Mike and myself. "Not typically, my husband is taking me out on a date in a few hours," I shoot back.

"I don't see a ring on your finger." He says flirtatiously.

"Because I am getting them polished," he smiles weirdly, "anyways. This is the florist, down there is the locker room where you come in and get changed. You need to learn all these flowers of by heart. So, when a customer comes in and asks, you would know exactly what it is. It's actually a good thing you came." I pointed at him.

I shifted towards the tills and looked at the stock update, "yeah, so we have the stock ups. A van is coming out front. I need you to help me pick up the new coming flowers."

"Of course,"

"Great, and other than that. That's basically it. The customer is always right, don't forget that." Mike nods his head staring me in the face, I give him a quick smile before I hear my phone ringing. Expecting it to be Nicholas. A timer, I look out the store and see the van.

"Just on time. Come on, just take out the flowers when I say so." He follows behind me, I open the doors. The man slams his car door shut, holding the clipboard underneath his arms as he opens the vans. "Callum, how are you?"

"I'm good, beautiful, how about you?" He speaks.

"I'm fine, is everything here?"

"Yes ma'am. I need you to sign here for the Begonia's." I nod my head, he hands me the clipboard and a pen, I look through the papers and turn my head to Mike.

"Mike you can start taking out the flowers please and be careful please." Mike salutes me and grabs himself a box of flowers as he takes it into the store, I continue reading to make sure the financials were all right.

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