Chapter Fifteen | Why did the seven dwarves go to jail?

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"Our family has a casino night; my mum would want us to stay overnight at her place. Is that fine with you?" Nicholas asks me, we just had dinner with a couple of his allies.

"Okay, that should be fine."

I rub my forehead as we stop in front of my apartment, that is when my eyes laid on the police cars, so many. Nicholas sparks the car and I immediately step out; I throw my bag onto the floor after taking my phone out and dialled Laurens number.

No answer. My heart was beating wishing that she was okay. I rushed inside; a bunch of policemen tried stopping me. "No ma'am, no one is allowed up."

"Let me in! My friend is upstairs. Please, let me check on her."

"There has been a robbery ma'am, please don't-Mr Hernandez."

"Let her through." I looked back facing Nicholas, before rushing up the stairs.

I hear Nicholas following after me, I pull myself to go faster as I rip the heels of my feet. I run down the hallway pushing past every police officer in the way.

It was as if everything was in slow motion, they were blocking me from entering. But when they allowed me through. My heart pounced out of my chest. Blood. So much blood. The crimson colour was draining me.

"Ara-b-el-la" Every voice was blurred out, the voices came in tiny letters as my head was spinning around the room. Everything was trashed, plates, sofas, glass everywhere. The frames, clothes. I gasped in stuttered breath.

Then I saw the teddy bear that my mother gave me, ripped to shreds.


Every think was gone, I didn't even know how shocked I should be but as I looked around and saw half my things ripped and shredded to pieces.

I hear my name being called from the side, I turned my face and saw Lauren sitting in the corner.

Without a second I dashed towards her, engulfing her in a tight hug as she leans against my chest.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Lauren." I apologised over and over again, my hands brush through her silky hair, comforting her as much as I could. I put her into this danger. "Everything is going to be just okay; I promise. I'm so sorry for leaving you alone."

She was huddled into my chest, I slowly looked up to see Nicholas gazing straight down at me. I shook my head not knowing what to say, not knowing what to do except to be there for Lauren.

"I tried to stop them, they tried to grab me and pull me away from everything and then I-he pulled out a gun and he aimed at me, so I picked up the knife that they trashed from the floor and stabbed him... I'm a murderer Arabella, I just murdered the man."

As much as Lauren talks about wanting to kill someone, she would never really do it no matter how many times she talked about it. She was shivering in my arms, and I had no idea what to do. Nicholas seem to busy talking to the police, his face was angry.

"And before I stabbed him, they trashed everything, and he ripped your favourite teddy bear. I tried to save it, but he held me at gunpoint."

I shook my head; how could she even think about my stupid teddy bear when her life was in danger. She tried to save it risking her own life.

Nicholas starts travelling towards us, his hands in both his pockets before he stops right in front of me. I gaze up at him. "You both have to come with me, Lauren and Arabella it is too dangerous for you both to be here or even a hotel. I will bring cleaners here tomorrow to clean up and to save anything that might be valuable item."

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