Change of plans

28 7 15

This chapter is dedicated to @Loveme105 for always voting. Originally I wanted to message her and make sure she was okay with this but then I went to her page and found out that she had over 11k followers😮 she's basically a celebrity! So thank you @Loveme105 for all your support it means a lot to me
Enough with my rambling let's get back to the story
" looking for this" he said with a sinister smile while slowly tightening his fingers around his neck causing me to whimper and Allison to cringe
"Well how about we fight winner takes him, you know it's been a while since the pack had an omega to satisfy their needs" the way he said needs caused a shiver to go down my spine
When he suddenly shifted charging at me leaving me with no time to react but only to brace myself for impact when all of a sudden a large black wolf jumps in front of me tacking the rogue

I watched in fear as the two alpha wolves battled to the death. But I was not the only audience that they had acquired but all the other rogues stopped to watch as well wondering who would win. Whereas I was wondering who this wolf was and why he was supporting me.
I am snapped out if my thoughts by a loud thud and the sound of a tree breaking, I look up to see the mystery wolf on the floor with the rogue on top of him. I watched in horror as the rogue attempted to to bite down on his neck feeling an overwhelming amount of sadness and pain
I didn't know why though, I had absolutely no connection with the wolf so I don't know why I could feel his pain but I found myself running to attack the rouge alpha to stop him from killing the mystery wolf
My vision was blocked by brown fur as the other rogues stopped me from helping the mystery wolf.
I howled loudly in pain as fire spread through my left hind leg knowing it was not my pain but the pain of the mystery wolf. I tried to shake the brown wolf off me when I heard a sickening crack. I immediately assumed the worst had happened and howled however I noticed I didn't feel any pain except the one in my leg and noticed that the rogues weren't holding me back anymore instead they seemed to be backing down I looked up and noticed that the mystery wolf has won
I didn't think I just ran to him and began rubbing my muzzle into his fur causing him to groom me

"Amara" Allison said however I didn't care to answer I simply enjoyed the feeling of his tongue running through my fur

"Amara"  Allison screamed causing me to snap out of it

"What" I said as much annoyance as I could while having butterflies in my tummy

" you don't even know him" mrs buzzkill said wanting to ruin my fun as always

"Boo hoo, go cry about it" I said continuing to scent him

" he could be a serial killer, he could kill us" mrs buzzkill continued in her buzzkill ways

" no he won't kill us he's mate" I said as he began to scent me

"No he's not mate Aiden IS mate and we need to find him" mrs buzzkill continued to panic

" yes he is and Aiden is fine we'll find him later he can wait"

" no he can't wait we need to get him now" and simply because I couldn't deal with her anymore I shifted back not caring that I'm naked or well not caring that she's naked

"No no don't shift now"


~~~~~~~~~~~~pov change~~~~~~~~~~
*Allison's pov*

I immediately wrapped my arms around my self trying to shield my naked body away from their eyes. The wolf sensed my discomfort and and stepped over me using his body to shield and cover me from them and the rogues began bowing their heads as they accepted us as their leader
Me!! What do I have to do with this, I wasn't the one who killed their leader the mystery wolf began walking away with me in between his legs trying to get me behind a tree for privacy However moving slowly enough so that I could keep up
"Uhum he cares about us" amara continued to simp for a wolf she just met
"Oh shut up" I all but snarled at her
"Humph" she huffed before shutting the link

"I should be the one shutting the link the twat I'm the one who should be tired of listening to you" I screamed in my head knowing that she couldn't hear me

Once we were safely behind a huge tree the wolf turned and walked away probably to go change as well. I quickly put on my clothes          [A/N I know I didn't mention anywhere that she had clothes but let's just pretend she had some in a backpack that was around Aiden's shoulders yeah? Thanks]
Once my clothes were on I immediately walk out from behind the tree seeing the mystery wolf dressed and waiting for me

" hi" I said shyly as he smiled at me. He walked over and held my hand and I noticed a slight limp in his Steps as we walked forward the address the wolves
I noticed their scent slowly change as they shifted to their human forms after accepting the mystery wolf as their alpha and I just realised that I still don't know his name but I decided to wait until he was done talking to them

~~~~~~~~~~~pov change~~~~~~~~~~~
Mystery wolf's point of view

"Hello everyone I know you all must be sad at the death of your leader" I said causing them to bow their heads in sadness
" I also noticed that you have accepted me to be your alpha but I will give you one minute for you to decide that you do not want to be a part of my pack and I will sever the bond immediately. There will be no hard feelings and we will go our separate ways . I want you to indicate by a show of hands" a few of them raised their hands after my speech causing me to walk over to them, hold their arms and sever the bond once this was over I walked back to my mate who seemed to be deep in thought before giving my final announcement

"If there is still anyone who wants to leave please speak up or forever hold your peace" after waiting a few seconds and nothing was said I continued

" alright my name is alpha chase"

"All hail alpha chase" they responded in a monotone voice. Did their previous alpha make them do this? I decided to continue and ask about it later

"And this is your Luna"
"All hail the Luna" they repeated allowing me to continue

"We heading towards the east to go back to the pack......." I did not finish my sentence because once again I was interrupted but this time not by my new pack wolves but by my mate

"The east? I can't go to the east"


Hi guys sorry for the delay however I've been sick which is why I couldn't post earlier
1000+ words as usual
Anyways here's your new chapter. Allison has a new mate!!!! I know none of you guys saw it coming
Don't forget to vote and comment what you think bye for now
See you on Sunday

His alpha Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu