Spend the night

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" alright my name is alpha chase"

"All hail alpha chase" they responded in a monotone voice. Did their previous alpha make them do this? I decided to continue and ask about it later

"And this is your Luna"
"All hail the Luna" they repeated allowing me to continue

"We heading towards the east to go back to the pack......." I did not finish my sentence because once again I was interrupted but this time not by my new pack wolves but by my mate

"The east? I can't go to the east"
*Alpha chase's pov"
Once all the wolves had cleared out I walked back to her and held her palms causing tingles to run up my arms
" you have to come with me" I said looking in her eyes

"No" she said with so much annoyance I felt I may have somehow annoyed or upset her despite us just meeting and me literally saving her life and life of her stupid mutt

"Do you mind telling me why" I asked trying to understand why she didn't want to follow me home and be Luna

"Because I have to take MY MATE back to MY pack so I can cure him and get our children back" she all but yelled at me as though this was my fault.

"Well WHO is your mate" I asked getting ready to spill even more blood just when realisation set in

"Don't tell me you're mated to that mutt" no wonder she was protecting him because the fūcking runt couldn't do it himself

"You would pick him over me"
"You DARE pick him over me" I shouted causing her flinch which made me smirk

"Such an alpha you are" I whispered knowing that she could hear me clearly before walking away

*Allison's pov*

Once all the wolves had cleared out he walked back to me and held my palms causing tingles to run up my arms
" you have to come with me"he Said looking into my eyes

"No" I said with so much annoyance as I could muster not knowing why he would want me to abandon my mate and my children to start a new family with him even though I knew he didn't know I have a mate and children and I just couldn't bring my self to tell him. Even though Aiden is my mate and I didn't do anything wrong I just couldn't help but feel as though I had betrayed him

"That's because you did" amara the title loving whøre said deciding to remind me of her entitled presence

"Do you mind telling me why" he asked causing me to look away in shame

"You can't even look at him in the face when you plan on rejecting him for that guy" amara sneered

"That guy what has gotten into you" I said in shock. Normally we don't get along with well but now she was just rude

"I'm sorry it's just I can't really control myself right now you know with Aiden being unconscious, I'm feeling his presence slowly fading away, our pups being so far away and now with the new mate I've just been so all over the place" she said opening the bond allowing me to feel her emotions, i could feel her sadness and her confusion

"Because I have to take MY MATE back to MY pack so I can cure him and get our children back" i screamed at him as though this was his fault.

"Well WHO is your mate" He asked and I could feel his anger even without our bond even being formed told me just how angry he was and it was a lot

"Don't tell me you're mated to that mutt" he snarled out the word mutt like as if it was some sort of disease causing amarachi's anger to increase even more yet I couldn't find it in me to be angry at him I was only ashamed of myself

"You would pick him over me"
"You DARE pick him over me" He shouted causing me flinch which made him smirk

"Such an alpha you are" He whispered knowing that i could hear him clearly before walking away
I immediately rushed for Aiden holding him In my arms as I saw colour drain from his face making him look dead however I knew he wasn't as I could still feel him. I dropped his head carefully on the floor and then followed chase's scent running after him I found him just by a drinking pool sitting with his feet into pool

"You know people are going to drink from that" I decided to joke to try and ease the tension however I soon realised how terrible my joke sounded as I saw his face sour

" no I didn't mean it like that it was supposed to be a joke" well a bad one I thought to myself causing Amara to giggle.

"Well at least I made one person to laugh" I mistakenly said out loud causing him to turn his head towards me while raising one brow in question

"No no I was taking to- I mean about my wolf, yeah about my wolf" I said fumbling over my words causing him to smirk in amusement

"Hey" I said while walking towards him and sitting crisscross beside him I didn't let me feet touch the water because even though I had tried to joke about it I still found it nasty that he did that

"Yeah" he said not looking at me

" I know I was acting like a bîtch earlier but it's all been very hard for me you know with slowly loosing my mate to loosing my children and then finding out I have a new mate, on my parents would have accepted and given me pups they would have been proud of I just feel very confused you know and the only reason I can't follow you is because my children and the cure for my mate-"

"I am your mate" he said cutting me off with so much jealousy causing me to laugh

"Yes you are but my other mate the one that's going to die if we don't go back to my birth pack to get the cure and my pups" I said slowly raising my eyes to meet his

"So that's why I can't go"

"Okay then I'll come with you" he said as though it was final. It probably was

"But you need to take them to your pack"

"Our pack but no I'll have my beta take them"

"Your beta came as well" I said unable to hide my shock causing him to burst into a loud booming laugh that was so contagious I laughed out forgetting all my problems

"No but I'll ask him to come. So there's only one thing I'm asking"

"What's that" I said. His stare rendering me breathless

"That you spend the night with me" his eyes staring into my soul

"Well how could I say no"

Hey guys sorry for the late update I'm literally posting this at one am so it's basically Monday. 1000+ words as usual
Originally I wanted to name this chapter two mates but I felt like that gave away the surprise so I went for cabin and then I was like nah but  spend the night really did it for me
Don't forget to vote and comment what you think
Bye for now
See you on Sunday

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