38. Ivy

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"If you don't want to be a slave, yes."

"But what about the unjust act carried out on her? What about that?" I questioned, stretching on my toes and giving him an intense look. "Are we really going to let Dermot and his father keep walking the earth in peace?"

"To protect others, some changes must be made. I know it's unfair but there's nothing we can do,"

"Ace, her sister was killed, her birthright and lover taken away from her. There was no one to help them. They didn't have enough power to save themselves. I know how it feels to be helpless, how it feels to want to avenge the wrongs committed on you. Do you think I haven't contemplated going back to hurt every single soul that hurt me in the past? To satisfy me with their helpless cries? To make them feel as worthless as I felt? I have, I do every single day. But I fight that thought because I know it isn't right."

"What they did to Ivy is different, worse. I understand her, she saw a chance to get revenge and she took it. Ivy never died, she left her body in there so she could return stronger. Don't you see it, Ace? She wanted him to feel helpless and beg at her feet, to watch him see his entire empire crumble at her feet. Ivy isn't a bad person. Deep down, she wanted someone to stop her, that was why she left those clues. Ivy wants to change, someone to help her get rid of that anger and…" he placed his hand on my neck, smiling with admiration glimmering in his eyes. "Ace," I sobbed. "I can't kill Ivy for real, I will never forgive myself."

"Then do what you have to do, I won't judge you," how can he just support me like that?! He's supposed to talk me out of it!

"What can I do? Is what I'm saying even right? What if I'm wrong?" He cupped my wet cheeks, grinning like a clown.

"This might sound ridonkulous," I giggled. "But I know that the way you are feeling right now is right because you have a big heart. I have never seen or met a woman or person as forgiving as you are. Even I wouldn't have been able to forgive all those who hurt me. If you believe they deserve justice, then I'll support you. Think deeply, Rinette, and just let your instinct guide you on what to do."

"Thank you, thank you, Ace." I sobbed.

"Don't sob, what can you do?"

"I'll check my book," he dropped his hands from my face. I stretched out my hands, and my book appeared on them. I touched the black diamond, closing my eyes and inhaling sharply. "Show me what I need to know…" the lock clicked. I opened my eyes and watched the book start flipping on its own, fog puffing out at each page closing. The book stopped flipping at a blank page. I stepped away from Ace to prevent him from seeing the writing. It was written in lato style but the language was different. "Thank you."

I read the words meticulously, letting the words sink into my head. "Ace, do you think you can light the candles with your white fire?"

"First of all, why?"

"I'm going to summon her spirit and bargain with it,"

"And if she refuses?"

"I'll cast her spirit away, she has no choice. That is the advantage I have over her, I'm a Shadow Witch and as long as her time to rise isn't here, then I have the right to cast her away."

"Do you even know what to bargain on?"

"Yes, light 'em," he shrugged. He snapped his fingers, sparking out his white fire. He played with a little fireball between his fingers, looking at me to make sure I knew what I was doing. "Trust me, Ace."

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