39. Dealing with the promise

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"Congratulations, you just established a death wish for everyone," Ace said emotionlessly. "May I know how you intend to achieve what you just promised a ghost?" He asked sceptically, folding his arms.

"I don't know, that's something we'll discuss,"

"You and who?"

"Ace," I whined. He raised his hands.

"Sorry, I'm being sceptical but don't you find her acceptance suspicious?"

"I do, and I will be ready for her, just trust me." I looked down at Ivy's body. Even in death, she still looked absolutely beautiful, and graceful. Her skin had turned pale blue after I summoned her, her lips darker than before.

Breathing in deeply, I leaned on the edge of the coffin and reached down. I took a handful of her hair and snapped it off. I put the hair into my shadow bag, reached down again and carefully took the sceptre she held to her chest. I threw the sceptre into the bag with a smile. I closed the coffin and carried the censer, putting it into my bag as well. I floated around the coffin, snuffing out candles and taking some into my bag. "There, all done."

"We better go back home. We have to go through all we went through when coming here, this is so fucking messed up."

"Now I know where this is, I know what to do. Go get all of them down here, I'll be waiting."

"And how do we get out? Are you sure about this, Rinette?"

"What happened to you trusting and doing what I say?" I asked pouting.

"Okay, okay, I'm going… How do I go? I can't see the portal,"

"That door," I pointed to the door we climbed down from. Ace nodded and ran to the door. I looked around for something I could use to open the portal, a mirror perhaps.

‹You could use that mirror.› Darcy suggested.

‹What mirror?›

‹The one behind the mummy. Close the mummy's door and you'll see it.›

‹Okay.› I waved my hand to the left, shutting all the mummies' coffins. A full-length mirror stood on the wall, reflecting all in sight. I floated to it, slowly muttering the portal spell. Getting there, I placed my hand on the mirror, sending the image of the tower into it. I flew back and smiled with satisfaction. Everyone would be able to see inside the tower. I needed to give us more time, I knew the spell for that.

"Marinette!" I turned around just in time for Elle to tackle me down with a hug. "I was so worried, are you alright? Did that witch hurt you? Hope you didn't fight. Did you use too much of…"

"I'm fine, no need to clepe or strangle me," I said under my breath.

"Oh, sorry," she sat up, grinning sheepishly. "So, did you kill her?"

"No," I said nervously, looking everywhere but her eyes.

"Knew it,"

"You knew?"

"Marinette, you are the nicest person I know, even nicer than Ann and that's saying something. I knew you wouldn't be able to hurt her, I knew you would strike a deal instead. So, what foolish deal did you strike?"

"I will summon her myself on the day of the planetary alignment, she wants everyone to be aware she once existed. She wants King Winot and his family to be fairly killed by fire, to choose her successors amongst the councils and a proper burial."

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