Chapter 14

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Everyone was wide awake when they finally reached Topeka after five hours of nonstop travel. Thank­fully, nothing sinister popped up for them to face that day, though everyone in their group was noticeably on edge. Eyes darted around and fingers drummed and legs shook.

Aivilo was especially grateful they didn't have to fight anything or anyone. Though she'd rested the entirety of their road trip, she could still feel the strain of constantly using power to shield their minds. She was glad she didn't have to navigate anymore. It messed with her eyesight to be able to see lines of latitude and longitude and coordinates and other navigational tools that she only could understand when she used the power.

Kurtis pulled into a little, single-story motel and told the three Superhumans to wait in the car. They did so in the dark with passing cars and streetlamps providing the only light for numerous agonizing minutes where they all sat like statues in the car, hoping no humans would see them and be suspicious. Aivilo offered to shroud them in the darkness or make them invisible for the time being, but Rae and Trebor refused, and Trebor made a valid point by stating that Kurtis would freak out if he came back and didn't see them in the car. So, they sat in silence, waiting for Kurtis to return.

He finally did and told them they'd be sharing a sin­gle room to stay close and prepared should they be attacked again. It shouldn't have been a big deal, but Aivilo's mind screeched to a halt all the same.

They were sharing a room?

Her and... Trebor?

She knew Kurtis and Rae would be in there, too, but somehow that didn't make it any better.

Wait, why is it any different? Her mind asked.

We've slept together in the same bed plenty of times, and it was all when I was crying and grieving. And that's not even going to happen, I'll be sharing with Rae. So why am I suddenly freaking out about this?

Then Aivilo's mind started to wander, and she had to shut those thoughts down before it got out of hand. But it was too late to stop the heat that rose in her cheeks. She glanced over at Trebor, and though it was dark, she could've sworn his face was flushed, too. She was glad it was dark and that he refused to look at her, because she knew she looked ten times more embarrassed than he was.

But wait, her mind said again. Why is he embarrassed?

She deducted that it must be because he was going to be sleeping in the same room as two girls. That had to be the reason. What else could it be?

Maybe he snores, her mind foolishly said to her.

An exhausted giggle slipped out of her lips as the image of her best friend sprawled out with his mouth hanging wide open and rumbly sounds emitting from him popped into her mind, even as she knew that Trebor didn't snore because she'd been around his sleeping form plenty of times.

The thought just made her cheeks grow warmer. And even warmer until they burned when Trebor glanced at her like she was crazy. Which made Aivilo realize that the mental conversation she'd had with herself had only lasted about a second, and that her giggle was unfortunately timed right after Kurtis had announced the news of their sleeping situation.

And then it was even more embarrassing to realize Blitz was there and staring at her, knowing exactly what she was thinking. She had jumped up and set her paws on Aivilo's legs, trying to get her attention as her mind wandered. Aivilo's eyes widened, and she slunk down in the seat, utterly mortified.

"Sorry..." she muttered, not meeting anyone's eyes. She could feel them all looking at her. Probably wonder­ing if she was losing her mind. She wouldn't be surprised if they thought that, given she'd been using her power for almost two days straight.

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