Chapter 29

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Althea lifted the skirts of her long, pale green gown as she rushed through the littered fields. She and Kurtis and Blitz had fended off the mind-controlled humans from the persistent family of Drummonds who'd refused to find safety and instead had wanted to defend the Superhumans in any way possible. After Mac had stopped most of the army with his metal, the humans were no longer a problem. Althea had broken away from their huddle, insisting she needed to check on the Superhumans, but Tom and Sierra had stubbornly started to follow, so she was forced to stay with them until she knew they would not be in danger. But as soon as she felt the dreaded feeling of a life slipping away, she had to act.

It was eerily quiet in the fields, and the tall blades of grass swayed in the calm breeze. Althea stopped and took in the carnage. Her recently-returned senses were overwhelmed with the amount of pain and injury she felt as well as a hollow sense—the absence of life. There were so many humans lying still in the field. Some wrig­gled about, trying to escape Mac's metal cuffs that bound them. But Althea focused on the surges of power she felt scattered amongst the humans. She could see the subtle glow of power that characterized Superhumans getting brighter around the Elite as their power returned to them.

Althea's eyes rested on the Superhuman lying a few feet away from her, and she choked back a sob. She approached Aivilo slowly, falling to her knees when she reached her. Blitz was right behind her, squealing softly—a fox's version of wailing or crying. Blitz sniffed around Aivilo's still form, finally tucking herself into Aivilo's side and burying her furry face into Aivilo.

Ever since Trebor had brought her home to be healed, Aivilo had become a part of their family. She was a daughter to Althea. And now she was gone. Althea felt the same pain roiling through her as when Trebor had been killed a short few weeks ago. Except this time, she knew there was no healing her.

"Are they all... dead...?" Tom asked beside her, staring ahead with wide, frightened eyes. His voice was weak and trembling. Sierra was beside him, silent tears rolling down her cheeks.

"No, dear, they're not dead," Althea managed.

"Super­humans must have their power to live. When it's taken from them, they become the equivalent of humans, losing all of their power, but it can be returned to them. The differ­ence is, because they require their power to live, when they lose it, they become like a shell of themselves, and they cannot live for much longer after that. The Elite have received their power back thanks to Aivilo, and I can sense them getting stronger. They will all wake up very soon. All but one."

Althea's voice caught.

"Aivilo used up the power that was in her. That is a little different. When a Superhuman uses all their power, their energy is gone as well. That essential part of Super­humans is used up, and because there is no more, it cannot be generated again or supplied."

Althea bowed her head, letting the tears flow. Tom and Sierra knelt next to her, sharing in her mourning. Leah wrapped them both in her arms, and Kurtis stood by, his own blue eyes sparkling sadly.

"What's going to happen now?" Sierra asked quietly, wiping her nose on her sleeve. Althea picked her head up.

"Now... the Superhumans can rest. They're free. Because of Aivilo." Silence followed.

"Look... they're waking up," Tom said.

Althea looked around, watching as the Elite stirred. They slowly pushed themselves up, groaning. Some of them turned green as the settling of their power in them induced nausea. Those with weaker stomachs heaved up the contents in them.

Althea turned her attention to her son, lying closest to them. As she watched, he moved sluggishly, prop­ping his arms under him and pushing himself up onto his hands and knees. His face was contorted in discomfort, and he took several deep breaths before opening his eyes. He cracked them open slowly, squinting around. He took his time recovering, getting to his feet when he was able. He wobbled, throwing his hands out to steady himself. He took several more deep breaths, blinking hard. He finally seemed to regain an equilibrium, and his expression was replaced by one of alarm. He whipped his head up, right in the direction of their huddled group. His eyes rested on Aivilo's still form and then immedi­ately snapped up to meet Althea's gaze. Her heart broke a little more at what she saw in his eyes... the ones he'd inherited from her.

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