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How could they die so easily!?

That is not my son!!

This cannot be true!!

This has to be some sick joke made by those angels!!

The man know as the smartest devil could not believe this outcome. A video arrived from heaven that showed Michaels memory of the peace treaty. No peace was made. Apparently this entire time a man named Aizen Sosuke has been impersonating Sebastian Sitri.

Aizen is strong enough to easily dispatch his comrades and rival. He made it look like nothing. He also has the strongest white dragon emperor, the original Beelzebub, and the most famous bounty hunter on his side.

If that was not bad enough. He got ambushed the leaders of the three factions and killed all of them. Now every faction is in disarray. They have no leaders and are panicking. Ajuka cant help but admire the intelligence of Aizen. His plan is flawless. They will surly lose if the man was to start a war. Hell, he already has.

But that doesn't mean that they will just roll over and accept this.

That is why when Ajuka stood up in the council room they all went quite. All of the clan heads are looking upon him with desperation and a glint of hope. Can he come up with a plan to save them?

Ajuka: I know that everyone is shocked at this turn of events but we must stay calm and collected. We must accept the fact that Sirzechs Lucifer and Serafall Leviathan are dead! We gain nothing by lying to ourselves! We need everything we have if we are to fight this new enemy. We cannot waste even a second of our time! This is war!

The clan heads heeded his words and calmed down. The man is right. Even though the Sitri's and the Gremorys do not want to believe what has happened. The lose of all of their children. They must not lose anymore. So they will stand strong.

Ajuka: Now the enemy is unknown. No one has ever seen this man before and all we now is that he is incredibly strong and smart. He knows are weaknesses and our strengths. There is not much we can do against such a foe. But have you all forgotten that we have one more card up out sleeve!?

He cannot be serious! That was the thoughts of every clan head in the room. To even mention that man is forbidden by multiple laws. That monster cannot be trusted!

Ajuka: I know what you are all thinking but this is are only option! If we do not use him we will fall to Aizen and his army. We must use every power we have against him! Or do you all want to die!?

This swayed some over to the idea but some were still reluctant. I mean who wouldn't be? They are talking about The Lord of Darkness himself!

Yet they all agreed when one man voiced his approval.

Zekram: I agree with Beelzebub! We must use every trick in and outside of the book in order to best such a enemy. Even if we must use the most disgusting devil that the underworld has ever produced!

With that Ajuka left the building. He destination being far beneath the ground.

He arrived in front of a old door that has multiple Satan class seals on it. He thought about the being that is held within.

A low-class devil that lived on the streets of the capital city. He possessed immense latent ability and was taken in by a high-class devil. Yet that devil tortured the boy and molded him into the perfect weapon after committing unspeakable horrors upon the boy. He was then sent out as the representation of the clan during the civil war and quickly rose the ranks of the army. Until one day he was bested by a descendent of Beelzebub, his son to be exact. He resorted to eating his own army and becoming a monster just to beat the son of the Lord of Flies.

And now he is here. Trapped away for his evil deeds. Even though he practically won the civil war for them he is dangerous and unstable. So he had to be locked away.

Ajuka then removed the seals on the door and opened it. Inside was a room covered in blood with what appeared to be a corpse lying against the wall. The dead body was covered in seals that looked like a modern day straight jacket. Ajuka walked over to the being and raised his hand and cutting it with his demonic power. The blood then dripped down onto the corpse and it began to change rapidly as the corpse started to look alive.

Of course is did. After all this man is the one know as The Demon, The Devil, The Monster, The Bloodsucker, Beyond Evil, The Unholy King, The True Successor of Lucifer, The Madness, The Nightwalker, The King of Vampires, The Ultimate Vampire, True immortal, The Monster whose Powers Radiate with a Darkness That Cast a Shadow Over Darkness Itself and finally...

Ajuka: Get up, Alucard. You have work to do.

The No-Life King!

Alucard: HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! So you have come running back for my help? So tell me...

What has happened since I last fell asleep?


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Gabriel cried for the first time since the death of her father at the news of her brothers death. It was all so sudden and unbelievable but she had to accept the truth. The man named Aizen will kill more of her siblings if she and her brothers do not act fast.

The angels are in chaos after the death of Michael and some have even fallen already. This must not continue. They have to stay in order in order to fight their new enemy. Yet there is no one in heaven that can take up the throne. Michael was the only one.

That is why they will summon the only man that can help them.

Rapheal: Are you ready sister?

She nodded with her eyes closed as always and they began the summoning. It would normally be impossible to summon this man thanks to his vast power but with them using Heaven as a power source it is possible.

As the room was filled with golden light it ended when a immense pressure crashed down upon them. Her brothers were forced to the ground but she remained standing. The symbol of the back of her hand showing that she is the master of this man,

???: You would summon me, mongrel? Well at least you all know your places.

The light cleared and a golden haired man with red eyes stood there. His presence is godly and unmatched by normal means. This man is a true king. The King of Heroes.

???: Quite the problem you all have. Do not worry! Hahahahahahah That mongrel stands no chance against me!

 Do not worry! Hahahahahahah That mongrel stands no chance against me!

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