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The fight had begun. You watched, invested. Before the bull was released, he spoke.

"I would like to dedicate this match to Miss Maria Posada."

Maria narrowed her eyes and grunted irritably. You thought it was sweet of him to say, but understood that she didn't like to see animals be injured. He looked nervous and unsure as he kept speaking.

"W-welcome home, señorita."

You heard wood cracking and thumps as you watched the bull break out of its pen, hearing one of the band members shriek.



The mariachi band quickly fled and jumped to the other side of the fence arena, safe from the bull. You giggled, turning your attention back to Manolo and the bull about to face off.

You watched the bull run at him as he turned just in time, the beast's large horns narrowly missing him. The crowd roared with excitement and you clapped, stopping when you saw Maria's annoyed glare towards you. Manolo picked a rose up off the ground, gesturing toward Maria with it as she grinned. You turned to Joaquin and saw his worried stare.

You drew your eyes back to the arena, worry striking through you as you saw the bull running toward Manolo from behind.


You locked eyes before he back flipped over the bull, effectively dodging it's razor sharp horns. He slid across the ground with closed eyes, catching the rose he had in his mouth while smiling. Your cheeks heated as you giggled, Maria shooting you a knowing stare and nudging your arm. You shoved her back, now staring at the ground with a red face.

You turned your attention back to the fight, eager to see how it would play out. You watched him effortlessly dodge the bull multiple times. It seemed he was twirling the bull's horns across the ground in a pattern. Dust was kicked up into the air as he did this. He waved his cape, blowing it away and revealing that he had drawn Maria's name in the ground with the bull's horns.

Maria looked both unamused and impressed at the same time. How? You have no clue. Joaquin's expression grew more frantic. You felt a pang of slight sadness, though you had no clue why. Ignoring it, you continued to watch the fight.

Manolo waved to the crowd as they jumped, clapped, screamed, and cheered his name. He walked over to his father who handed him a sword. Maria's expression grew concerned, while yours was one of pity. You knew that the bull would survive this, Manolo didn't have the heart to kill it. You felt sad for him, as this meant he would be looked down upon.

The movement of Manolo's cape as he twirled the sword and pointed it at the bull drew you out of your thoughts. Manolo paused, looking at Maria and you through the reflection of his sword. He sighed, murmuring 'no' to himself before twirling the sword and striking it into the dirt. He yelled out to the crowd.

"Killing the bull is wrong!"

Maria stood up and clapped, as you made eye contact with him and gave him a smile. The crowd gasped. The bull ran towards the red cape, crashing into the arena fence and making the entire stadium shake. The crowd was silent for a moment before breaking out into boos. Maria, Joaquin, and General Posada made their way to leave, the first in approval while the latter two in dissapointment. You stayed just long enough to see a guitar get chucked at Manolo's head, knocking him out. You sighed, making your way to leave as well.

"Ay, Manolo."

𝙸 𝚆𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚆𝚊𝚒𝚝 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚈𝚘𝚞 - 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚕𝚘 𝚂𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚣 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now