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You saw that he wasn't awake so you immediately retracted your hand, hurrying to get out of the tent. Stepping out into the open, you saw the fire still slightly alive. Chuy had chewed a small hole in Maria and Joaquin's tent and was now standing at your feet begging for food.

You stared blankly down at him for a minute, before giving him a piece of jerky.

"... He won't know anyways it's fine."

Chuy chewed it for a moment before abruptly spitting it out and glaring at you, angrily oinking at you and headbutting your shin.

"OW- ok you're a lot smarter than I gave you credit for. My bad."

You tossed him an apple, working on getting the fire started up again so you could make your human companions a more diverse breakfast. You heard a heavy sigh and looked to your left to see Manolo glancing sadly at Maria and Joaquin's tent. His repressed feelings for Maria were getting to him. Your heart sank a little, both in pity for him and pity for yourself regarding your own unrequited feelings.

...For now ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

You tossed a small stick at him, hitting him in the back of the head. He let out a small grunt, turning to you with an annoyed glare. You smirked.

"Stop moping and give me some wood."

He rolled his eyes, before smirking.

"At least buy me dinner first."


You then, face flushed, tossed a sizable log at him. It hit him, right in the face, and he fell. After a moment he groaned, shakily raising his hand and giving a thumbs up.

You couldn't help but chuckle at Manolo's playful banter, even though your heart ached with unrequited affection. He had always been one to lighten the mood, even in the midst of his own conflicting feelings. He picked himself up off the ground, kicking the log back over to you.

"Alright, alright," Manolo chuckled, brushing off dirt from his clothes. "I'll get the firewood, but only if you promise to stop assaulting me with logs."

You grinned mischievously, crossing your arms. "Deal. But you better hurry back before Chuy eats all the food."

Manolo playfully saluted you and turned to head into the surrounding forest, disappearing among the trees. As you waited for his return, you focused on rekindling the fire, coaxing it back to life. The crackling flames danced before your eyes, casting a warm glow on the morning scene. It also dried the hell out of your throat, and you began coughing. Get away from the fire, you dumbass.

Your thoughts wandered to Manolo and how he must be feeling. You knew his heart yearned for Maria, yet circumstances had prevented him from expressing his true feelings. You couldn't help but empathize, as you were grappling with your own unspoken affection for him. 

Lost in contemplation, you were startled when Manolo returned with an armful of firewood, his smile brightening as he saw the fire burning once again. He carefully arranged the wood, ensuring it caught the flames and began crackling with renewed energy.

"There we go," Manolo said with a sense of satisfaction, wiping his brow. "Breakfast is saved, thanks to the master firestarter."

You chuckled and nudged him playfully. "Oh, please. I can't take all the credit. You're the one who gathered the firewood, after all."

He shrugged, a small grin playing on his lips. "Teamwork makes the dream work, right?"

You looked at him blankly. "That was really fucking cheesy."

"Stop fucking cursing y/n."

As the aroma of breakfast began to waft through the air, Maria and Joaquin emerged from their tent, rubbing their eyes sleepily. They were met with the sight of a crackling fire and the promise of a morning meal. Joaquin's gaze locked with Manolo's, a hint of understanding passing between them, while Maria seemed blissfully unaware of the unspoken tension.

You took a step back, giving them some space, and joined Chuy by the fire. The mischievous pig snuggled close to you, as if appreciating your company and the anticipation of a delicious meal. The morning unfolded, bringing with it laughter, shared stories, and the kind of bond that only deepened through adversity. You sat away from the others with Chuy.

"This is pathetic. I'm hanging out with a pig."

Chuy bit you.

Although your own feelings remained hidden, you found comfort in the companionship you shared with Manolo, knowing that even if it was not in the way you desired, his presence in your life was a cherished gift. And for now, as the sun rose higher in the sky and the Book of Life turned its pages, you allowed yourself to bask in the warmth of the moment, finding a sliver of hope that perhaps, someday, your unrequited love would find its voice. Your hand still hurt like a bitch though.

A/n: Tee hee book of life pun

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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