The importance of repenting

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Assalamu-alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

Every day we are busy running around, trying to fit our crazy schedule in the limited 24 hours that we have. From the minute we wake up we are continuously carrying out our daily routine. But sometimes we are soo busy that we don't realise some of the sins we commit. It easy for us to make mistakes, it's human nature. But how many of us repent after realising that we have made these mistakes.

We gossip, backbite, lie, and use foul language. This is just some of the sins that we do, the list is endless. We have become used to committing some of these sins that when we are told to stop we find it difficult to accept what we are doing is actually a major sin.

In order for us to purify ourselves from the mistakes and sins that we have committed, we should repent and ask Allah to forgive us. Allah Ta'ala knows we are human beings and that we are weak. Allah Ta'ala knows that Shaitaan is constantly tempting us to do wrong. Allah Ta'ala knows that our nafs are trying to deceive us. So to help us Allah Ta'ala has given us the opportunity to repent over the mistakes that we have made.

In a Hadeeth it has been mentioned that ''The person who repents from a sin is like the one who has not sinned in the first place.''

So each time we sin, we should repent. By repenting, it is as tough we are deleting this sin from our record. It is a lifeline which will help erase our sins. And remember we can repent all day, every day at any time and at any place as long as we repent sincerely. If Allah has put no limit to how many times we can repent, why should we limit the amount we repent..

Don't let Shaitaan fool you and trick you into thinking there is no point. He will make you think that your repentance has no purpose. He will make you think things like 'look you keep doing the same sin again and again. You know you can't leave it. What is the point in repenting.

NO! Don't let him fool you.

He is making you think like this, so that he wins and you lose. There is a point to your repentance. Remember each time we repent it is as though we never did the sin. So we will be erasing the sins from our records.

It has been said that on the day of Judgement, Allah Ta'ala will call a person forward and the angels will be told to examine the persons book of deeds. The angels will say 'Oh Allah.. this person, he sinned then repented, then sinned, then repented ,then sinned, then repented and he did this his whole life.' Allah Ta'ala will say 'This means that my servant would fall into Shaitaan's trap. However after falling, he would get back up saying I will be faithful to my Lord. Then Shaitaan will trip him up again. My servant got up again saying I will be faithful to my Lord. and This would continuously happen. All his life he fell into Shaitaan's trap, but he repeatedly got up wanting to be faithful to Me. This shows that he wanted to obey me, so I have forgiven all his sins.

Subhan Allah. Allah has blessed us with a great yet simple way of making up for our sins. All we have to do is repent with sincerity and Allah will forgive our sins. In Sha Allah. Even when we do fall into Shaitaan's trap, if we get up and repent, Allah knows that we are trying to obey him and will forgive our sins.
There is a Hadeeth narrated by Hadhrat Anas, may Allah be pleased with him . Hadhrat Anas (ra) says that I heard the Messenger of Allah say, that Allah the Almighty has said: "O son of Adam, so long as you call upon Me and ask of Me, I shall forgive you for what you have done, and I shall not mind. O son of Adam, were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and were you then to ask forgiveness of Me, I would forgive you. O son of Adam, were you to come to Me with sins nearly as great as the earth and were you then to face Me, ascribing no partner to Me, I would bring you forgiveness nearly as great as its."
Don't ever think that it's too late. Have hope and repent now. Spend a few minutes after each Salaah or before you go to sleep. Think about what have I done wrong today and ask Allah to forgive your sins. Ask Allah to forgive the sins that you commited knowingly and unknowingly because Allah Ta'ala knows us better than we know ourselves.

May Allah give me, you and all the Muslims the ability to make the most out of this opportunity. May Allah protect us from the whispers of Shaitaan.


السلام و علیکم ورحمتہ اللہْ

May Allah help us all. Remember me and the entire Muslim Ummah in your Duas.
Allah' slave.

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