Ramadan and Social Media

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Please use social media responsibly this Ramadan.
Little things to be mindful of, big rewards to reap
In Sha Allah.

You don't have to put up pictures of lavish iftar tables and a million dishes on your stories everyday. Many are struggling to put food on their tables and fulfill their
family's wishes too, your stories might pain them and make them wish for things they might never be able to have. One or two food items that you made and want to show off, okay, but not lavish table spreads and a dozen dishes everyday please.

You don't have to make stories twirling in new dresses everyday, flaunt your Ramadan decor in perfect lighting and pretty rooms, no, thousands cannot afford that. Influencers have to earn, yes, but again try to minimise what you can and make this month a month of spirituality and simplicity, not luxury and over indulgence.
Don't put up songs and movies and show
recommendations. If you're watching or enjoying them, do so alone, don't have to influence others to do the same. Imagine people in Ramadan listening to music and
watching movies because of your stories, Even their sins are on your head, the goodness of your fasts has decreased. A loss in business, no.?

It's also crucial to be mindful of the struggles faced by our Muslim brothers and sisters in Gaza who are unable to celebrate this holy month with their loved ones. While many of us are blessed with the ability to enjoy the festivities and gaieties, others are enduring hardships and deprivation.
Please keep them in your prayers.

Let's use social media responsibly this Ramadan,
understanding that our posts can have a significant impact on those who are less fortunate. Instead of showcasing lavish iftar tables and extravagant celebrations, let's focus on simplicity and spirituality.
This is the month to be a little selfish too.
This is the month to wash off your yearly sins, ask for forgiveness, earn those rewards your Rab has promised. It's about YOU.
Stop sharing useless stuff because you want to show you care about your followers or because you want to maintain your engagement. Be selfish for one month. Do whatever it takes to become a worthy MUSLIM in His eyes.
Ramadan main naikiyon ka sawaab zyada hai, naikiyan karain aur naikiyon ki targheeb karain.
And if you're you're an influencer, use that power for your own good too!

At the end of this month, social media will still be here with all its expectations and chaos, what will have flown away is your chance at forgiveness and redemption.

In sharing this message, it's not about judging or assigning blame to anyone. It's simply a gentle reminder to anyone who might benefit from it, as even one or two small actions on our part can have a significant impact on ourselves and our followers. Let's approach social media with responsibility this Ramadan, mindful of the diverse struggles faced by our Muslim brothers and sisters. Let's keep them in our prayers and use our platforms to foster simplicity, spirituality, and compassion.

For more topics related to to Ramadan check my book
" All about Ramadan "

follow me for more beneficial reminders!

And Only Allah Ta’ala Knows Best.

السلام و علیکم ورحمتہ اللہْ

May Allah help us all. Remember me and the entire Muslim Ummah in your Duas.

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