𝟎𝟎𝟐-𝐥𝐢𝐥 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐞

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     NO BROTHERS, no mother, no father, just Ziggy home alone

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NO BROTHERS, no mother, no father, just Ziggy home alone. She sits, tucked in her room snacking on snacks while watching her favorite Christmas movies; it's the only thing keeping her alive with Christmas spirit. Her mother's presumably not coming home till tomorrow and neither are her brothers. She doesn't even want to know where her dad is. Ziggy lays back in her bed, chomping down on peanut butter-filled pretzels. Something then told her to check the time. 7:30. No time to relax now. She has to get to the skatepark.


    Ziggy skates down the street, past the deli towards the skatepark. Not a Teddy in sight. She has to make it to his house, make sure she's not being stood up. She hates being late. Ziggy stops at the little house in the middle of the street. She checks herself in her camera, making sure she doesn't look awful. Her white sweater looked as good as new, her black puffer vest shining paired with her black skirt, tights and gloves looking great. She smiled, holding her skateboard. She takes a quick knock, checking the time. 8:10? Not bad. Ziggy takes a deep breath before knocking again on the Pierce's door. There answered the little auburn-haired Kate Pierce. Ziggy smiles at her. "Hey lil Pierce! Teddy here?" Kate looks up towards the stairs.
     "Yeah, he's upstairs." Ziggy pauses, checking the undecorated Christmas tree and half bitten undecorated cookies. She raises her eyebrows in surprise. He's always been close with his sister, she hasn't seen Kate in at least a year in half. What happened?
     "Y'know what? I'll hang with you. Teddy's being a weirdo. Cmon, I'll decorate with you." Kate smiles. She looks just like her brother when she smiles. Her heart warms at the sight of her face. Kate grasps Ziggy, hugging her tight.
     "I missed you, Ziggy."
     "I missed you too, Kate."
     Ziggy will never know how much that moment meant to Kate.


     The two decorate cookies like no tomorrow. They eat them as Kate explains everything she and her father chronicled on their little camcorder. In Ziggy's hand, her phone vibrates. She looks down to check.


Merry Christmas sweetie. I love you and me and your brothers will be here tomorrow with presents. Love you! ❤️🎅

Miss you mom. Wish u were here. Tell Kate and Teddy's mom I said hi❤️

    Ziggy sighs, drawing her attention back to the camera, taking a bite out of her cookie. She watches carefully before seeing a hand swing by. Kate and Ziggy quickly turn their heads towards each other. Kate rewinds. Same arm; same old red-sleeved arm. Kate pauses swiftly, making sure to catch the arm. Kate exhales, looking at Ziggy with wonder. "Teddy get down here!"
"You gotta see this!"
"You're not gonna believe it!" The two yelled in unison before running off.


     "You know who that looks like." Kate says crossing her arms.
"Aunt Peggy." Teddy simply answers.
"No way. That person isn't wearing an ugly Christmas sweater," Kate points out. "And besides, Aunt Peggy's never here on Christmas Eve. And if she was, why would Mom and Dad leave her alone in the living room, in the dark?"
     "Maybe it was a burglar." Teddy makes up.
"Burglars take things, Teddy." Teddy leans back up to meet Ziggy's excited childish gaze. He holds himself back from smiling. Although Ziggy doesn't believe in Santa Claus, it's fun to have the sense of hope.
"Whoever it was...would've had to been flat up against the wall like this, next to the..." Kate leans against the fireplace, containing herself from jumping up and down. "Oh my gosh! The fireplace! I just got goosebumps!" Teddy glares at Ziggy, making sure she wasn't smiling. She was.
"Chill out," Teddy mumbles, walking towards the TV. He leans down, staring close at the arm. "Just let me think."
"Oh, cmon, Teddy. You know who it is." Ziggy pokes playfully. Teddy looked up at her, inches away from each other's faces. He couldn't believe she was actually buying it. Maybe it was because she didn't want to make Kate feel bad, whatever it is, he wouldn't get his hopes up. 
"Yeah right." He mumbles pulling away from her comforting stare in a panic.
"Hey, we should make a video!" Kate suggests, running up to the two. Teddy stands straight back up, smirking sarcastically.
"A video?"
"Yeah! Tonight! Maybe we can get a shot of the whole Santa Claus, and not just his hand!" Kate explains excitingly. Teddy looks back at Ziggy who was still contemplating.
"You don't think anyone has thought of that before? Catching Santa in the act?" Teddy sighs, taking Ziggy's hand and leading her upstairs. Kate gets in the two teen's way before they could reach the stairs.
"Yeah, but have you ever heard of anyone actually pulling it off? They probably don't think it's possible. But it is! This is proof! A video showing exactly how he does it. It's gonna get a gazillion hits." Kate blabbers.
"No way." Teddy shoves past her with Ziggy still in hand.
"Teddy!" The brunette whines. He continues walking up the stairs, making sure Ziggy is following. She was hesitant, but she plans on hanging out with Kate later. Kate follows the two, scurrying up to them.
     "Mom says we should be helping each other out!"
     "Yeah, I dont think this is what she had in mind." Teddy continues.
     "Look, I'll give you back the tape of you in the car!" Both teens froze. Teddy looks down at Ziggy two steps below him. The girl looks up at him, mouthing please quickly. Teddy gazes at Ziggy, trying to think of how heartbroken Ziggy must feel. Especially without Ivan who was always her support system. He can't get caught, for her sake.
     "Okay. Deal. Zig?" She smiles, nodding in agreement. "You can never say anything to mom about it!" Teddy says sternly. Kate licks her lips, turning back to a photo of her father, Doug. She places her hand on it, turning back to the two.
     "I swear."