Oh no! - Mitsukuni Haninozuka x male reader (OHSHC)

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A/N: Recently i've started many anime and I never tried to at least complete one so I will have more ideas.

~Third POV~

One afternoon in Ouran Private High School Academy a Host Club is in business in the music room. Where 7 men and a woman are hosting women who dont have much time on their hands. Haruhi is serving her client some tea and cakes. She sat down across from her on the comfy couches. Her client was having a great conversation with her and Haruhi is doing her job by listening and entertain her.

"Hows your day going Haruhi I bet its going great so far"

"Its going great actually now that youre here" Haruhi responded back with her million dollar smile.

The client blushed and squealed in excitement.

Back with the other hosts the Hiitachin twins doing their brotherly act in front of a group of their clients.

Kyoya selling products to his own.

Tamaki being the sweet hyper active prince.

Y/N doing his own thing with his group.

And Huni and Mori wowing their own with their act.

"And then I woke up without any cake in front of me. That dream was super delicious but it was disappointing" Huni said with a drool.

Mori then grunted in response. "See even Takashi is mortified" Huni said.

The day goes on until it was the end of the hours of the host club. Every host started to escort their clients out and fix the place ip a bit. Y/N went to his cousin, "Hey Kyoya, im gonna go home right after this ill come over tomorrow. Tell Auntie Ootori I said hi."

Kyoya then nodded in understanding and waved him goodbye. The others besides Y/N and Huni decoded to stay behind. They waved them goodbye and the room was empty. Huni held usa-chan while he walked to Y/N.

"Hello Y/N-kun! Not being able to have the chance to talk to you was so hard. It was so busy today" he then jumped on Y/N and hugged him. He crossed his legs around Y/Ns waist and gave his cheeks a couple of kisses.

Y/N then chuckled, "I know bunny but I did promise you that you can come and sleepover at my home" he placed a generous kiss on his forehead and lips. They both melted in the kiss and pulled each other closer if its possible.

Huni then sighed dreamily, "I love you Y/N"

"I love you too bunny" Y/N smiled at him. They pulled apart and Y/N walked in front of Huni and crouched to signal him to go on his back. Huni gladly went on his back with usa-chan still in his hands. He placed usa-chan on Y/Ns head and imitated him flying a plane.

Y/N really enjoyed his boyfriends childish persona and adores him for it. He started his trip to his home on foot to spend some quality time with his bunny.

Once he made it to his front door he picked his pocket for his house keys and unlocked the door. He announced his entrance to someone but they didnt answer back.

He assumed that his Dad is at work so he made his way in. Huni then climbed off his back and became comfortable in his house.

"Do you want to eat or drink something" Y/N asked.

Huni then gave him a knowing look and Y/N chuckled. "Right I know, some tea and cakes for my bunny. Coming right up"

He gave Huni a head pat and walked towards the kitchen. Huni became comfortable in the living room like all the times hes been there before. He decided to get up and explore the living room. He walked to a dresser and saw many picture frames of Y/N and his family. He admired all of the photos since his boyfriend is in them.

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