Chapter 2

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You may be thinking, "What are your plans for the future?" My answer is simple: I plan to enjoy life to the fullest. Simply put, none. Since there is no need to do anything.

Jasmine, the villainess, was sold since she caused her own demise. And I, for one, will not do what she did in the story because there is no need for it. I don't see why I should give up everything I have for some beastman who clearly doesn't see the worth in my beauty and existence, hmph. Plus, this is the Beastworld, so there are surely a lot more hotties to choose from than just the male leads.

As for the antagonists, well there is no major character that is a threat to me and my family since the story focuses mainly on fluff and how Olivia adjusts to this world as well as collecting hubbies.

And as for the female lead, I'm going to see if I can endure her long enough to consider her a friend. Since she is not as dense as that one character in another manhwa I read, I have no issues with her in the novel. Instead, she has made an effort to adapt by learning about their culture. From a reader's perspective, I'd say she's tolerable, but because we're not really close in real life, I'd still like to double-check.

Third POV

As the rain begins to fall, the mother brings her female cub inside while the child is lost in thought.

Her brothers began playing with her when she was placed on the floor. Hearing children giggling and squealing with joy while they play is such a lovely sound to the family.

When one of the males brought food, they finally stopped playing. They thought it was delicious, despite the fact that it was merely basic meat cooked with sandalwood.

Following dinner, the kids were tucked into bed because the sun had already set.

Next morning

While my mom was out chatting with the other females, my brothers and I were having a great time in the field, chasing a squirrel.

"Watch out!" My siblings yelled as they saw the squirrel quickly climb the tree. Unfortunately, I was caught off guard and hit my head violently on a tree because I was moving too fast to stop.

"Jasmine!" My mom yelled, and I saw her make a beeline toward me.

"Are you alright?" My brothers worriedly ask me.

While they are freaking out, my ears are ringing so loudly that I can't concentrate on what they're saying. So they brought me to the house while one of my fathers went to call the doctor.

I was placed on the bed and my father arrived with the healer behind him. The healer rushes to my side to check my injury.

"The cub hit her head too hard that I fear she may have a concussion. So, I still have to observe her for a few days." The healer informed my family. They are terrified but thanked the healer nonetheless.

While my father Acel is cooking, Vincent, my wolf father was busy reprimanding my brothers.

"I told you three to watch your sister and don't let her run too fast. Now, look what happened" He said in a disappointed tone while my brothers' ears were drooping. 

Everyone went inside once Father Acel had finished preparing dinner. I was already sick of eating the same bland meat, so after I'm healed, I plan to go searching for herbs and spices in the forest. I cannot ask my fathers to look for herbs as they do not know what to find. Even if I tell them to look for medicines (as what they call those spices in this world) they are still not that familiar as none of them is a healer. Plus, I'm bored at home all day, so why not do it myself?

I also need to see if there are any coconut trees nearby and collect wood ash. I plan to make use of those to make soap, as I recall from my previous life. I am very addicted to beastworld novels so I searched on how to do a lot of things in case I get transmigrated or reborn or whatever. Back then, it was only wishful thinking; now, it is my reality. I am very thankful for my past self's curiosity as those knowledge will surely help me in this life.

I'd like to use soap not only for bathing but also to clean my butt after pooping. In my past life, we did not wipe with toilet paper, but rather with water and soap. Because there is no toilet paper here, it is much more convenient to use water. I don't want to use leaves like in the other novels because it doesn't feel clean to me.

After eating, we spend time together for a while then they quickly ushered me to sleep to recuperate.

"Jasmine you have to go to sleep so you can heal quickly." My papa Jaime said.

As a growing cub, I will need all those sleep in order to grow quickly, or so they said. 

Reincarnated in the Beast WorldNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ