Chapter 3

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It's been a few days after hitting my head and the healer deemed that I have already recovered. Though he still did warn my family to not let me do any excessive activities like running. But still, I asked my parents if I can go to the forest.

"Mama, Papas, I want to go to the forest, pretty please" I asked while making puppy-like expressions with my eyes and pouting my lips. Unfortunately, my charm did not work for my mother. But, after much persuasion, she eventually agreed.

"Fine. Danny, Teo you look after her. Make sure she will not tire her body too much. After you're done, you can find me in the river" My mother said to my fathers.

"Ok Soleil, you do not have to ask us to protect Jasmine as we will still do it."Teo, my father, said as he hugged my mother. My mother escaped immediately because she was suffocating from my father's tight grips. Nonetheless, you can see in her eyes that she is content.

I was excited. Despite the fact that my mother is quite stern with her children, particularly my brothers, I know she has a soft spot for me.

But before that, I told my fathers and brothers, who also wanted to go, to go to the healer's place first. I want to see what herbs are available in the forest so I can have an idea. I also want to ask him where to find it so that locating it will be much easier.

We quickly went to the healer's place while my father Danny is carrying me. 

"Papa Danny, you can put me down now, thank you" I said and he immediately put me to the ground and help me maintain my balance.

I knocked on the door and a young male leopard opened the door. He was flustered upon seeing me, but he still politely asked me my purpose of visiting the healer.

"Is the healer here? I want to ask him what spices, err, medicines are available in the forest. I plan to look for those in the forest" I said while observing his blusing face. He has platinum blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. An angel, I thought.

"The healer is inside, please come in" He said while opening the door widely.

We went inside and saw the healer organizing his medicines. As soon as he saw us, he immediately stopped what he was doing and came over to talk to us.

"May I ask the purpose of your visit here?" He asked confused.

"Hello grandfather healer, I want to ask what medicines are currently available in the forest and where can we look for them?" I asked politely

He was confused as to why I asked but still invite me to see his collection of medicines without asking. I presume he must think that I asked out of a cub's curiosity. 

He pointed out the names of the medicines and what part of the forest we can get them from. Some can be found at the entrance, some were in the middle of the forest, and some in the dangerous parts of the forest. 

I found that there are garlic, chili, potatoes, oregano, and other herbs that are used for cooking that I am familiar with, while some are new to me. For example, there is a purple star-shaped fruit called Ansche that is used when a female's in heat.

He proposed that I can take what I like but I refused and said that we can look for it, but still thanked him for the offer.

"Well, If you don't want to take it, I can have my student accompany you to look for those medicines because he knows where to look for it" He said, my father and brother immediately growled, but I stopped them.

"If he has no problem with it then he can accompany us" I said while looking at the young male leopard. He blushed when he saw me looking and smiling at him and agreed.

The reason I agreed is because it will make it more easier to look for those herbs if there is someone to guide us where to look. Plus, he's cute so I don't see any problem. Motivation, in other words. I'm just joking.

After thanking the healer, my father carried me while the young male leopard is leading the way. Oh right, I still did not know his name so might as well ask him and chat.

" May I ask what's your name?" I asked the leopard. He visibly flinched but then relaxed.

" My name's Asher female" He shyly said.

"Nice to meet you Asher and please call me Jasmine instead of female." I happily said to him. Happy to meet new people. While we are on the way, we chat about random things.


After we found lots of herbs, thanks to Asher's help, we immediately went home as the sun is starting to set. I am very satisfied with what we found like garlic and even onion and looking forward to eating many delicious meals with these herbs. 

I went to my father Acer who's cooking our meals. I told him the use of these herbs and how it can make our meals more delicious. He was doubtful at first, but he still tried, afraid of disappointing me. After that, we can smell the delicious smell from the meat that makes me drool just by the thought of eating it. It seems my family also smelled it as they immediately went inside the house. Seeing them makes me laugh as it reminds me of the cartoons I watched in my previous life. Wherein the characters are mindlessly following the smoke or the smell until they reach the source.

When the meat is already cooked, you can see my family's eager appearance as they patiently wait for the food to be serve. Upon the first bite of the meat, The flavor of the meat with the additional herbs and spices exploded in my mouth. It's still not perfect, but it still makes me satisfied after eating bland meat for 5 years.

 Now, I can finally say that I look forward on how our lives will be improved.

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