𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 9; 💅Uno reverse card

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Chirp Chirp~

'Tch, even the birds can be out...' Sora glanced out into the distance outside, watching the birds in the sky spread their wings and saw through the radiating heat.

It was a sunny day with the warm summer wind grazing against the grass fields. The mellow beam of sunlight flickered through the glass panels and Sora used her arm to cover her eyes from harm.

But the longer Sora continued to look out the window, the less she wanted to go out. The sun was radiating its heat way too much, too much for Sora to handle.

She changed her mind about what she just thought, thinking, 'nevermind, the sun's...eh'.

After staring out the window long enough, Sora returned back to her bed and face planted herself into a pillow, which 'poofed' up as she made contact with it. The fluffy feeling with its silky texture made Sora melt into the pillow, she hasn't touched such a soft thing in a long time.

Arien was suffering from 'too bored' syndrome. There was nothing to do in the place other than play with the toys provided, but they all were too boring for a 21 century person like Arien to play with.

She sighed and watched as her sister beside her was shoving her face deeper into the pillow. Arien chuckled at this, making her think how luxurious this whole place was.

'Nothing has happened since yesterday...' Arien recalled what yesterday's incident was. Her sister had presumably attacked the emperor and servants -Arien thought this cause she couldn't see or hear what happened, her face was in Sora's chest and she was covering her sight- making Arien shiver in fear thinking about what her sister could of done to cause their brother to fume in anger.

But after that, Sora just pulled the two of them back to their room and never spoke of that incident again, to Arien at least. Arien had no clue what truly happened and how gruesome it was. What Arien did know was that Sora had placed her to sleep once they got back to their rooms, humming a familiar tune as she tucked her in.

Arien flipped her body over, looking at her sister still having her face in the pillow. She blinked a few times, then sighed once more.

"Arjen, Sora." Arien, who was bored to the bone, decided to bother her siblings by asking a question.



While Arjen gave a full on answer, Sora just hummed in response, being too lazy to give her sister an answer.

"Just how long do we have to stay in this room," Arien mumbled, moving her head a little more into the sheets of silk. "And with all those servants..." Arien glanced over at the maids and butlers all standing there in a line, not moving an inch and just standing there... creepy.

Arjen followed his sister's eyes and also landed on the row of servants, but he just looked at them and did nothing. Sora was busy enjoying suffocating herself with her newly fond pillow, and didn't bother to listen to Arien.

"The only time they're not there is when we are asleep," Arien continued. She stared at Sora who laid beside her on the bed, her lips formed a nonchalant smile.

Arjen this time nodded to Arien's comment, gesturing that he agreed with her statement.

"Do you think the emperor ordered this?" Arein asked, sighing for the 3rd time this noon and flipping her body to make her back lie on the bed.

"Probably," Arjen hummed, placing his hands under his chin to lift his head up as he glanced at Sora.

He moved his hand over his sister's velvety blonde hair, running his hand through it. Sora didn't speak a word or make a sound, just letting her brother do as his wishes with her hair, twirling it in his fingers and seeing all the knots that were revealed. Arjen moved some of Sora's hair out of the way of her neck and his eyes darkened after seeing what was on Sora's right shoulder.

𝐏𝐎𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐁𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒║The Twin Siblings New Life x ocWhere stories live. Discover now