𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 22; Bathing, drinking, passing out; what a day

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'Does this old man just let anyone in his room now—wait...are these two fuc—'

"Ah, I should have known you were awake, Sora-nim."

Sora glanced over at the stranger, and in the soft glow of the moonlight, vibrant shades of flowing red hair caught her eye. A flicker of recognition danced in her eyes as she realized that she had seen him some time before.

"...It's you."

Jason's eyes lit up.

"You remember me—?"

"The creepy weirdo, you stopped Arien from damaging her head any further..."

"Oh," he muttered, appearing to be taken aback. His eyes searched hers for a moment, as if trying to gauge her sincerity.

"I'd say thanks, but apparently," Sora remarked as she casually rested her elbow against her knee and leaned her cheek against her hand, "It's your job to, quote on quote, 'protect' us."

Jason's expression softened, a hint of sadness flickering across his features, but he nodded in acknowledgment.

"Huh, you did a pretty shitty job at 'protecting' us if your whole reason to exist is to do so. Grade you a F, for horrible fucking effort."

"I apologise—"

"Ah, ah, ah," Sora interjected, shaking her finger at the fox and halting him mid-sentence, "Hearing you speak is annoying enough already, apologising for being a bitch isn't going to do you much favors."

Jason pressed his lips shut.

"Now," Sora turned to face The Emperor, standing idly there, "Old man, you have some explaining to do. And I won't be taking silence for an answer, I know you're not a fucking mute."

The Emperor met Sora's glare with a stoic expression before closing his eyes in a moment of contemplation. "Go ahead," he said with a calm assurance, "I'll answer them to the best of my abilities."

"That," Sora began, casting a glance over at Jason, "Is our, supposed, guardian, right?"

"Yes," The Emperor confirmed with a nod, "Jason is the appointed guardian of Arien, Arjen, and you."

"Can we get rid of it?"

The Emperor's expression shifted, his eyes widening in apparent surprise at the unexpected question. In response, he cleared his throat before speaking.

"No, the imperial family and their guardian are bound together by souls, or officially known as a soul link."

'Wow, real creative'

"Should a member of the imperial family seek to sever ties with their guardian, there are only two possible options; either eliminate the guardian, or directly cut the soul link. Both of which carry serious consequences."

"...so I just have to kill it?"

"Did...did you not hear me say there will be serious consequences if you follow on with either method?"

"No I heard you, I just don't see how these 'serious consequences' are relevant."

"They can be soul shattering and can cripple the body. You'll likely experience indescribably amounts of pain for the rest of your life," The Emperor stated seriously.

"Been there done that. What's another hellish experience going to do? Finally kill me?"


She shrugged. "Eh, we win some, we lose some."

"Do you not care for your wellbeing at all?" The Emperor asked, slightly baffled.

Sora fixed her gaze upon him, a glint of amusement dancing in her eyes before erupting into a fit of hysterical laughter. "Christ! You're funny, old man," she chuckled, playfully dabbing at the fake tears in her eyes with a finger, "What part of me gives you the impression that I give a shit about my wellbeing?"

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