Dec 17

329 6 23

Holy how is it already the 17th- i went to my old schools dance yesterday it was super fun!!

Im getting a lotta gear for christmas, oh wait i already said that lols

Anyway i was playing wolfplay today its honestly so fun but i still dont understand some defects haha.. my name is Silent-Forest btw if you wanna add me and play!! I love making friends on there, its ironic since i have social anxiety sigh- lol

I get really shifty in the winter, oh yea! That orange mainecoon cat was just a phase i think :) for context read dec 15 

I have so many dog plushies (idk why i said that) my den is really comfy! Mainly because i cover it with plushies that feel like my old pack :') anyway i just really like plushies

So what was i going to say? Uhhh oh yea about the winter did i ever tell you guys that i have a mountain vacation house? I get SOOOOO shifty there in the winter!!! But sadly we cant go this winter :( its really fun cuz i can explore the woods nextdoor and howl on the mountains! And theres a waterfall and park just a lil while away which i can walk to its just so relaxing and refreshing!!!!

Ill update if anything happens i still have to clean my room if im gonna make a den later! 

Bye :3

OH and qotd! Whats your fav dessert? Mines pie or danishes! awoooo

~as swift as a panther,

as sly as a cat,

as cunning as a coyote,

as strong as a wolf,

Stuck in a human body till the sun sets, Ace~

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