Dec 31

182 5 1

Today im going to pratice quads, my rooms clean so i have alotta motivation to make a comfy den :3

I forgot to mention but yesterday i was trying to see how high i could jump and i got past 5 squishmallows thats probably a record for me, i failed at 6 squishmallows -w-

But uh i was listening to resonance at like 6 am cuz i couldnt sleep and i almost shifted it was so nice X3 i love resonance it just hits different (never thought id say that lol) same with minecrafts soundtracks!!

I was ment to go to my friends house to celebrate new years eve but im kinda sick and we dont wanna get her family sick :( 

I went back to wolfplay and wcue too their awesome games :3

I think thats all for today! :) bye my fuzzy friends!

~as swift as a panther,

~as sly as a cat,

~as strong as a wolf,

Stuck in a human body till the sun sets, Ace~

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