chapter 4

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"But sir," you hissed. "We can't trust them. They knocked me out and dragged me here. They could have just been feeding me lies."

You talked to the commander of German Special Forces over the laptop, your hands tied uncomfortably together.

Your captors finally let you out of your cage to commune with your commander, dragging you to a separate room and still keeping you restrained in case you tried anything.

"We're on the same side, Odile. I know Shepherd. We've worked together before."

"But sir-"

"Work with them, Odile. It's only temporary until we get this havoc under control," the commander's voice was assertive, like a father scolding a child.

You clicked your tongue flicking your hair out of your face by moving your head back. "Tu es sérieux putain..." you said. "Fine. Understood, Commander."

"Thank you. Ghost, we've worked together before," the commander said.

"Briefly," Ghost said.

"Tell Soap I said 'hi,'" the commander said shortly. "I'll be in touch." The line went dead.

"Who's 'Soap'?" you ask after a small silence. Ghost shut the laptop down.

"Me," the one with the mohawk said awkwardly. "Hi."

"I don't like you," you said bluntly.

"Oh," he said.

"No one cares who you like," the American one said, readjusting the straps on his vest as he walked around, gathering a pistol and a knife. It was made more clear to you that the room you were in was a small weaponry. "We're a team now."

"Who even are you?" you sniffed.

"Graves. Philip Graves," he answered, walking up to you and sticking his hand out, offering you to shake it. You glanced at him, then his hand, and then looked away. He walked elsewhere soundlessly.

"Anyway," your eyes scanned every man in the room. "Would someone untie me now? I have my orders. I will not harm you."

"You may have orders but we have precautions," Alejandro said, still clearly distrusting of you. You didn't really care. "We have to talk to El Sin Nombre first."

"Right," Graves added, heading towards the door. "We know where one missile is. We need another, and hopefully Sin Nombre can tell us."

"Earlier," you intercepted. "You called El Sin Nombre 'Valeria.' Are they a woman?"

"Clearly," Ghost replied, annoyed. You felt distaste rise within you, but the new information that El Sin Nombre was a female made you grin.

"Bien sûr c'est une femme."

"English," Ghost said.

"I said, 'Of course, she's a woman,'" you replied. "I thought you knew French?"

"I said I knew a little," he said.

"Hm," you hummed.

"We need someone to babysit the Frenchy while we talk to Sin Nombre," Graves ended your brief conversation with Ghost. "Ghost?"

"Fine," Ghost nodded.

You scoffed, moving as far away from him as possible. Soap, Graves, and Alejandro filed out of the room, on their way to interrogate the next prisoner.

Though, you suppose you weren't necessarily a prisoner anymore. You're on their team now, and you feel a little relieved nonetheless. At least German Special Forces knows how to stop the issue in Vienna now. Hopefully, they only need your help for your trip to Austria and nothing more — you need to find Kilgore as soon as you can.

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