*analysis + c.c.

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[analysis and constructive criticism]

Good Lord it has been so long since I wrote one of these.

The analysis + c.c parts of my books is a reoccurring theme in each one of them that I complete, which has only been two so far. I do so so that I can analyze and study the entirety of the book I have just written and nitpick the things I need to improve upon. It's been a while since I last finished a book, so it tells great to finally include this chapter.

Feel free to skip this if you want! I truly write this for myself, but if you want to hear some of my inner thoughts when writing this and even see some of my notes, continue on :)

First of all, before we get started with the analysis, I want to begin by thanking those of you that read this book. Simply clicking on my story is a way to support me, and to those of you that have made it to the very end, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I also want to give a huge thank you to those that took the time out of their days to translate this book. As you know, the characters in this book speak English, German, French, and Spanish, and to add a level realism into the book, I did not always translate these languages for my readers. So thank you to those who did! livelaughhayden Purrple_Simpz were among the few that did! So thank you so much! (If I missed any please comment below and I will tag you.)


Okay. Beginning with the analysis, I want to start by describing my intentions when I first came up with this book. I wanted to create something that I would want to read, and that would be something with tension (sexual & other kinds), romance, angst, etc. So those are the themes I ultimately tried to incorporate in this book.

I'm a sucker for love triangles as well, to put it simply. I love to read love triangles, but the author's favoritism towards one guy in the love triangle is always evident, and it honestly upsets me so much. Both guys should be seen as suitable for the female lead, in their individual respects, so much so that even the readers are torn between which one to choose!

I'm a little cheesy when it comes to the soft boy and the bad boy concept, which is sort of what it was like for König and Ghost. [Y/N] saw herself with both of them, which only intensified her inner turmoil. She could not decide whether she should choose her innocence, or she should accept the darker side of herself.

Ghost and König both disliked one another when they met. The only reason being was pure testosterone! And they are both simply just possessive of the reader. König had known you since childhood, and you had been there for them through his darkest times, and Ghost, on the other hand, had met you only recently, but had, at long last, found a woman who he felt understood him and was just like him on a deeper level. Neither Ghost nor König were willing to let that go so easily.

Also, I want to bring up how it may have seemed sudden that [Y/N] just "out of nowhere" was no longer mad at König for leaving here all those years ago, but this wasn't the case. It may seem that way in the book, but when König told [Y/N] that he left her for the military because of his suicidal thoughts and depression, she immediately forgave him. She had never really been upset at him in the first place. She only was for a moment because when they reunited, König was acting completely unlike what [Y/N] expected, and this made her angry. She was also angry at the commander of German Special Forces, so it was kind of just collateral damage. Later on in the book (though it is not written, it can be assumed), [Y/N] and König talk about how they were both looking for each other the entire time, and how, somehow, they seemed to always be just out of each other's grasp.

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