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The next day of their Paris trip, they decided to return to the shopping district to get lunch. Wakatoshi thought French food tastes good, but the cultural difference when it came to cuisine is hard to get used to. He isn't used to change, but still enjoys any meal given to him.

Everyone enjoyed a conversation in Polish about the different things they saw yesterday at the shopping district. They already finished their food and were just conversing over drinks.
Wakatoshi stands up and excuses himself. He was aware that they would leave the shopping district soon, but he wanted to get more Éclairs—and maybe some other stuff. The delicious pastries had left an impact on him and he yearned for more. Despite the embarrassing language barrier between him and the cashier.

He enters the shop again, welcomed by the ring of a bell.  There's not as many people in there as last time, but there is still the red-head at the counter.
Wakatoshi waves and puts up 2 fingers again. It's now established that hand signal means two Éclairs.

He also notices boxes of chocolate covered strawberries. There's a dozen strawberries in a single box, so he only asks for one.

The cashier points at his name tag and smiles. 'Satori • Chocolatier' is what it read, so he wasn't actually a cashier. Satori points at his ring finger and raises an eyebrow. Satori's asking him if he's married—Wakatoshi immediately shakes his head. He points at the box of chocolate strawberries and presses a finger against his chest. The strawberries were only for him (sharing with his teammates isn't good thing because they eat everything given to them).

Satori smiled and got everything prepared for Wakatoshi. He pointed at the pop up display with the price on it. Wakatoshi paid and left with a box of strawberries and two éclairs.

Éclairs - UshiTenWhere stories live. Discover now