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The birds chirruped and warbled their morning melodies as Hanthran rose over Belemer lake. Orion had coaxed the fire back to life and had set a pot of grek-paal to boil. "Hey, hey, outlanders, the morning is slipping by – time to rise and meet the light."

Fel groaned. Celli slowly opened her eyes. It took her a few mecs to remember where she was.

"I've got some breakfast on the fire. It'll be ready in about five mec-tah."

"What's that noise," Fel Complained.

"You mean the birds?"

Fel scrunched his nose and played along. "Birds? What are... birds?"

Orion snickered and shook his head.


Breakfast over, they put out the fire and packed up camp.

"Let me help you with that," Orion said, seeing Celli struggling with her pack.

"Thanks," she said, as Orion helped her slip her slender arms through the straps.

They walked along the lake for a while then veered south down a trail which the map showed led in the general direction of their target.

"This is amazing," Celli said, looking up at the trees as they walked deeper into the forest. "They're so big! So tall. They're beautiful."

Orion and Fel gazed with her up into the mass of branches and green - a roof high above them with windows where the sky could be seen. The forest was very quiet, very peaceful - an alien environment - but its residents were benevolent. The com-kids felt that the trees were on their side; that they were glad of their visit; they welcomed them.

They could feel something emanating from the trees and it touched them - entered them: maybe it was micro-organisms; maybe chemicals; maybe it was affinity - maybe love. The massive living pillars and the green leaves were sources of positive energy that were, at the same time, absorbing the toxins and negativity from within their blood and muscles and bones. It was a natural displacement in an overwhelmingly wholesome environment.

"How much further would you say it is?" Fel asked in a hushed voice.

Orion checked his wrist-com. "About ten CTs. You guys wanna stop here and take a break?"

"Sure," Fel said.

They were now deeper in the forest. The ancient trees were larger than the ones close to the lake; they towered over them, filtering the sunlight. The only sounds they could hear were the rustling of leaves and birdsong. Sometimes it seemed all sound suddenly died away leaving them in almost total silence, then just as quickly, the wind would pick up or the birds would resume their communication. This was a mystical place, a magnificent and majestic world. They each felt that there mysteries here, patiently waiting to be uncovered.

They took off their packs and rubbed their shoulders. "I'll admit," Orion said, "I'm just not used to this kind of physical workout. This pack seems to be getting heavier every with every step."

Fel nodded his agreement. "How about you, Celli? How are you feeling?"

Celli was staring up into the trees again. "We're close," she said absently.

Orion felt his spine tingle and the hair on his neck and arms rise. "Celli?" he called to her.


"You alright?"

"U-huh. My shoulders are a little sore though."

Orion and Fel exchanged meaningful glances. "Ours too," Orion said with emphasis, realizing that she was oblivious to their previous comments. The pilot was concerned for his com-op. He liked her; more than liked her. He had become accustomed to the way she was and he didn't want that to change. But, Celli was changing. She evidently felt or sensed things that he did not, and he knew that it was the same for him. What about Fel?

Meltdown Ophilion  - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now