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An hour later they arrived in the Kamundus-3 district in North Kypro. "That is an amazing device," Jenna said as they climbed the stairs out of the mag-way. "I can see that com-zone life would be practically impossible without it."

"There is public sky-trans too," Orion informed her, "but it's mostly for Keneso."

"I think we go this way," Fel said, pointing to the right along a busy avenue.

Fifteen minutes and multiple turns and crossings later they found themselves on a small, quiet street which was still lined with old-style buildings; they were not even a quarter the size of the more recently built towers. There was a small quaint park on one side where a few children played, watched by a few parents. A few old people sat on benches, and were still.

The Lin-Kaars ridge dominated the sky to the north. Its steep sides, sheer cliffs and trees formed a comforting scene which they rarely had the pleasure of seeing -- the smog of the com-zone only allowed a view at close range. They stopped and stared at the natural phenomenon for a full minute before continuing.

"Could be that," Fel indicated left with his chin then glanced back at his wrist-com.

They walked down the street another hundred paces then up a small flight of creaking metal stairs. Orion quietly opened the aging, wood-framed door which squeaked pleasantly on its hinges. The small shop was dimly lit; antiques of all kinds lined the walls all the way up to the ceiling. Shelves containing strange and intriguing objects cluttered the space in between. An old man with a ring of white hair around his head looked up from a com-tablet. He squinted, causing the wrinkles on the sides of his eyes to deepen.

"Hullo, there," he said, his surprise evident. People their age rarely frequented his shop.

"Uh, hullo," Orion said. He looked back to his comrades. Fel motioned for him to do the talking. Orion walked up to the counter. He smiled awkwardly. He had never visited a place like this before. He cleared his throat and began. "We..." he glanced back as if to verify that his friends hadn't disappeared, "...we have a couple of items that we wanted to have checked... they're old items," he emphasized, "antiques, I think." The small shop was still and silent for a few seconds while glances were exchanged.

"Well," said the old collector, with a note of hesitation, "let's have a look, shall we."

Orion nodded as he fumbled around in his side bag and drew out the folder which contained the maps. He laid it carefully on the counter. "And there's this," he said, showing him the projector. Orion carefully placed it in his hands. The old man wrinkled his brow as he turned it over a few times. "I'll have to say that I've never seen anything like this before. You might try a jewel shop or maybe a geo-center." He gave it back to Orion, who gave it to Fel.

The collector then turned his attention to the folder and his eyes brightened. "Hmmm... now this is something I am familiar with, although I don't recognize this symbol," he gestured with his finger at the tree in circle embossment. "Probably an older company which I am not familiar with, very interesting, may I open it?"

Orion nodded and glanced back again at the others. Looks like we're getting somewhere, he thought.

"Now, this is something," the old man's face lit up as he unfolded the maps and laid them out on the counter. "Look... each map bears the tree in circle symbol." He indicated at the bottom left hand corner. "It's part of the original printing. Very good...that increases the value." He carefully scanned the markings as he stroked his chin. "Well, this is good. I must say I have rarely come across charts as old as these in such good condition. Yes, yes, could be an old hexolium mining company that no longer exists. Although," he said with a hint of adventure in his voice, "they could be old pirate charts." He nodded significantly. "They're certainly not from the science firms or the Qonaar. Oh, look at this," he said, pointing to some inscriptions in orange ink handwriting at the top right-hand corner of the map of zone ZL-31.

Meltdown Ophilion  - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now