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What the fuck? He looks like a model! He's got like a damn 8 pack. What in the world happened?!

Jimin pulled down his shirt as quickly as it got up, but we still saw everything.
'Jungkook, imma kick your ass one day.' Jimin complains

'I don't know. The girls loved it. Even Aera is surprised.' He points at me

I didn't realize it, but I had my mouth wide open. Jimin looked at me.'Are you okay?'

'What the..' I lift his shirt again, revealing his abs. He didn't stop me, though. 'WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?!' I ask him surprised

'Can you not whore me out please? Could have done this at home, not here.' He sighs

'Sorry, sorry. I was just taken by surprise. Didn't expect it. I guess this is why you're so hard to sleep on these days.' I say quietly

'What do you mean sleep on him?' Young asks

'Don't even start.' Jungkook raises his hand, stopping her from talking

'Can we just go, please?' Jimin sighs

'Let's go over to mine. We can chill a bit.' Jungkoog says

'Sure. Got nothing better to do.' Jimin says

'I'm down.' Young says

'Same.' I say

'Can I come?' Ona shows up or of nowhere

'No.' Jimin says firmly

'Look, I just wanna talk. I get I was crazy earlier. I need to apologise to both of you.' She actually sounds sincere

'It's your house, Jungkook.' Jimin says, looking at him

He sighs deeply, looking at everyone. 'Sure. But the first sign of trouble, and I'm kicking you out.' He says

'I promise!' She seems relieved

Jungook lives 10 minutes away, so we got to his place fast. We even picked up Taehyung on the way.
'Make yourselves at home.' Jungkook says as we walk in. Nothing looks like it did the night of the party. Seems the furniture made its grand return.

We sat down around the couch and the floor in the lounge. Jimin sat next to me, with Young on the other side. Ona, Taehyung, and Jungkook sat opposite us.

'Before we do anything, can I say something?' Ona speaks up, getting on her knees. She looks over at me and Jimin and starts talking.
'I'm sorry. Really. I don't know why I did what I did.' She sighs deeply before continuing. 'I just, I still like him, obviously, so seeing you there pissed me off, seeing as to why we are not together. But he's right, it's not your fault. I'm sorry.'

'Don't stress, Ona. I kind of understand.' I smile at her. I am surprised to hear that she still likes him. He is a great guy, so I can understand why, though.

'I don't much care what you've got to say to me, but never, ever, go to her for the issues you have with me. That one I won't go over.' Jimin sounds irritated

'Got it. I'm sorry. I won't do it again.' She bows a bit, seemingly relieved

'Okay enough with the heavy subjects. Let's play something. Like spin the bottle!' Jungkook exclaims, and everyone seems excited, except me and Jimin. I've never kissed anyone, and I'm not stupid, I know how these games go. I don't wanna kiss anyone here. Especially not my first kiss.

'We're out. I'm not playing that shit.' Jimin says, pointing to him and I. Thank you, Jimin.

'C'mon, you can just kiss a person on the cheek, same to you. You don't have to kiss anyone on the lips.' Jungkook says, trying to rope us in

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