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'You sure you're okay?' He asks me

We're in my room again. I wasn't paying any attention to the movie at all. All I could think about was the kiss. I never imagined it to be with Jimin. But I guess it's best to have it with someone you trust.

'Yeah.' I smile at him, but even I know this is a weak ass smile

'Look at me.' He says and props himself up to look at me.'Tell me the truth. Did you hate it that much?'

'No. I didn't hate it at all.' I tell him honestly. He would know if I was lying anyway.

'Then what's wrong?' He sounds concerned

'I didn't want to make you feel awkward.' I say

'Do I look like I'm feeling awkward?' He smiles brightly. He didn't seem like it, so I lay back my head, smiling back.

'Don't worry. It won't happen again.' He kisses me on the forehead.
This was new. Maybe it's because of earlier today, but my heart skipped a beat just now when he did it. He did this constantly, and nothing ever happened.

'Why are you blushing?' He asks, looking at me

'Sorry, I don't know.' I say honestly

'How about I don't kiss you or touch you until you relax around me again? Will that help?' He smiles. He's trying so hard to be mindful of me

I shake my head.'I need to sleep on you. So that's a no.' I tell him

He chuckles.'What about kisses then?' He asks

'That.. we can skip for a day or two.' I say, and he nods

'We can do that.' He pinches my nose and lays back down to watch the movie

----- ----- -----

I open my eyes, and the first thing I see is his lips. He hugged me in his sleep, like he always does, but this time, I'm turned towards him.
I was asleep until a moment ago, but now I'm fully awake with the memories of yesterday flooding back into my mind. Those lips. Those perfect lips, they were on mine. My heart starts beating so hard I can hear it in my head. This kiss messed me up so badly. I need to get out of here before my heartbeat wakes him up.

'Where do you think you're going?' He smiles, feeling me trying to slide out of his arms. He hugs me tighter, pulling me completely to himself.
'What's wrong?' He shoots open his eyes. 'Your heart is going crazy. Are you okay?' He asks, panicked. Shit.

'I had a nightmare. Woke me up.' I say

'Must be that horror movie we watched last night.' He says, relieved. I never lied to him before. Feels wrong.

'I think so too. Let me get up and wash up.' I say, and he lets me. I washed my face in cold water, trying to take the redness away. My heart calmed down as well now that I couldn't see him. What's going on!?

'Are you okay?' He knocks on the bathroom door. 'It's been 20 minutes.' He sounds worried. Wait, 20? What the...

'Yes, sorry for worrying you.' I open the door, smiling. I managed to fix myself up.

'You're weird.' He flicks my forehead. 'Let's have some food.'

We go to the kitchen and he starts making food. My mom is not home, so it's just us.
I didn't know what to talk to him about, so I was just silent.

Thank God.

'I'll get it.' I smile at him and run to the door

'Aera! Wait, you are not ready?' Jungkook is there with Taehyung

Teach me how |BTS JIMIN BFF FF|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora