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Very glad I was able to fall asleep knowing everything is packed, food is ready in the fridge, got two bottles of water in the fridge aswell so I can drink a lot. Got my outfit right in front of me and everything else.

I slept so amazing, so beautifully I had known that I'll never wake up from it.

The alarm I said i'd miss I for some reason didn't, instead I wake up to it and press stop.

STOP not even snooze but STOP and head back to sleep.

Hence my phone started ringing once, then twice then whatever I don't know what I'm counting now till I woke up and answered the phone with my annoying morning voice.

"HELLoooo" I speak to the phone as I lay down.

"Y/n you obviously didn't wake up so wake up already."

"Y/n?" Gavi kept saying my name till he realized I fell asleep again.

He hungs up the phone, calls me again which finally was able to somewhat wake me up.

The next thing I know, this bird starts screaming my name, shouting that the flight is leaving in three minutes and I panic.

I start getting worried, I open the lights immediately and when I finally had a clear vision of looking at the clock it was literally 3.12 am.

I sigh. confusing myself in whether I should thank Gavi or be mad at him for waking me up but I'm sure he did a good thing getting me up but I was still so tired.

Fast forward yet again to the team's bus arriving somewhere between the time 4 and 5. So we had almost 2 to 3 more hours till our plane is assigned to leave.

One thing I was happy of that I was able to sit next to Gavi in the plane, means I can talk to him and annoy him the entire 4 hours in the plane.

On the plane, Gavi was making fun of my sleeping issues, like not even joking but telling me to fix it but I can't! I just sleep whenever exhaustion hits me you know.

I don't even know how many times I tried leaning on my arm, falling asleep and waking up to my wrist hurting like crazy.

Gavi insisted on letting me lean on him but I don't know I just told him it's okay although I kind of wanted to.

I did, it's Gavi who wouldn't. I lean on him and the entire flight I heard him talk with Pedri but I was still asleep, there was a time where food was served but Gavi declined eating anything.

It made me feel bad I wish I didn't sleep on him maybe he's hungry.

We got there somewhere at 12 in the afternoon so it was pretty light, but there the sun wasn't shining at all, the weather looked semi okay wish it could've been better.

However we continued to our hotel, also really smooth how nobody has yet recognized us due to most people here loving hockey instead of any other hobbies. Can't blame them we also only cheer for football instead.

I arrive at my room, alone I really wish Gavi would've been here cause it's actually boring.

I'll ask him later if he's able to like come with the others for a while just to have fun.

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