Chapter 12

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ART'S HANDS WERE SHAKING as he pulled out a small blue box. I couldn't stop my heart from beating fast and loud.

Calm yourself. Art isn't proposing. I needed to remind myself.

"I know we're not supposed to talk about marriage yet." Art cleared his throat. 'But I want to ensure you know... that we both know." He started brushing his hand through his hair.

"Hey..." I held his hand and clasped it inside mine. It's just me, Art. Don't be nervous because you're making me nervous, too."

He kissed my forehead. "You will always make me nervous, Shells."

Slowly, he opened the box that revealed a gold necklace with a pendant of conjoined letters A and S designed to make it appear like an infinity sign. I gasped as he eased my hair to the side and placed the necklace on my neck. Once locked, I felt his warm breath as his lips softly pressed to my bare shoulder.

"This is so pretty!"

I held the pendant while enjoying the touch of his lips, still lingering on my skin. If Art noticed the goosebumps on my neck and shoulders, he didn't let it known.

"This will be our engagement symbol for now." He whispered in my ear. "I am yours, and you are mine."

I almost choked. "Um... about that." I lifted my head and looked at his face. "What are we now? I meant..."

Before I could say another word, Art gently placed his lips on mine. If my mind was surprised, my lips joyfully received the unexpected kiss.

I couldn't remember what I wanted to say or if I had a question; everything went away. My body, heart, and spirit possibly left me when our lips touched. I guess even my sanity left me.

All I could think of was how sweet Art's lips were. And how warm was his other hand as it slowly glided on the skin inside my satin top? The sensation made me deaf too. All I could hear were sensual gasps and moans from both of us.

Though we were probably acting on the intense connection we both denied for years, I was sure of one thing. What we felt wasn't just lust or the heat of the moment. Deep in my heart and by the gaze of affection in Art's eyes, what we have and feel for each other was beyond young love.

Maybe there's still Art and Shelly.

Telling myself there was still hope for the two of us made me smile. It reminded me of what I've been dreaming of all along-me and Art, together with our kids, a family. I bit my lip as I controlled my laughter, remembering the names Avery and I listed for our future kids.

"That's not the reaction I was hoping for when I asked you to be my girlfriend." Art's voice zoned me back in.

"I'm sorry. What did you say?"

Art gently caressed my cheek and kissed my hand. "As I was saying...." He smirked while his gaze still locked on my face. "Nothing else in this world could complete me and make me happy other than you, Shells. Please let me prove to you how I truly love you. Be my girlfriend."

"Are you sure?"

Art nodded. He cupped my face and placed another kiss on my lips. "I've been thinking and planning about this moment since I left Boston. You have no idea!"

I pouted. "It's just two years for you. I've been waiting for this moment for eight years long!"

Art's eyes widened. "Is that a yes?"

"Yes!" I nodded multiple times.

Immediately, Art placed my hands on his shoulders and lifted me. Then, like it was the natural thing to do, I set my legs around his waist and my hands around his neck. The grin on his face, the spark in his eyes. His face said it all. Everything about him made me feel his overflowing happiness.

Our minds were in sync. Our hearts beat the same.

When we looked at each other, our lips connected. It was blissful.

But our love bubble burst with Avery's loud clapping. She was standing at the door, watching us.

"Congratulations! I'm so happy for you, guys!" She placed her hand on her chest. "But I'm sad for myself. You just officially made the third wheel in whatever this is!"

Art chuckled and pecked my lips. "We're official now. Shelly is my girlfriend!"

"Finally!" Avery answered aloud.


The weeks that passed made Avery the happiest best friend. Art made sure the activities he planned weren't just for the two of us. Instead, Avery and I enjoyed our tourist life. Though now and then, Art sneaked into activities for the two of us.

On our last day, all three of us focused on finding out the results of our college applications to our schools of choice. In addition, some of our friends posted updates on their social media accounts about which college they'll be attending.

Avery and I applied to only a few schools, including one ivy league school in Connecticut. Art waited for MIT's answer to his application before he checked emails from other schools to which he'd applied.

We'd decided to check the results once we're all back in Boston. So my mom and Avery's parents prepared a welcome dinner for us. Afterward, we all gathered in front of Art's big screen, which he connected to a laptop for all our families to see as we opened our emails.

Avery went first. She was in tears finding out she got accepted into Yale Law School. Her parents couldn't stop kissing and hugging her.

When I checked mine, Art held my hand. I couldn't believe it. But, as Avery and I hoped, I got accepted into Yale School of Medicine.

Art and I held hands as he opened his email from MIT. And as expected, he got in too. He wished to become a software engineer.

While we were all dancing and laughing to celebrate, Avery was checking announcements on our high school online bulletin board.

Art and I were dancing when Avery's loud shriek echoed.

"Triple OMG! Paisley also made it to MIT!"

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