Chapter 46 ~ Wandering Around The Streets

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I was waiting for him outside

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I was waiting for him outside. I don't know why he made me wait here. Maybe, he wanted to tell his sister about me.

But, to be honest, I was really surprised and shocked when I came to know he is the Prince of the kingdom.

Surprised because how polite and genuine he was to give me a job. And I was shocked thinking if he will punish me for my crime.

I was just trying to steal because of my father who argued a lot yesterday night.

"Why the hell did you come home without money!?", My father yelled the next second he came home.

"I lost my job. I'm sorry, tomorrow, I'll search for a good job and-"

"Shut up! I want money right now! I don't care how you do but I want money in my hand in next 5 minutes.", He said something that was completely impossible.

Only if my mom was here, she would've protected me like no one did. Just the mere thought of that made me sad.

"If you don't bring money, I will not hesitate to sell you for a night..", he said and I was shocked.

These days, he always would demand me more amount of money and I was able to give it because I had a job.

But, I never thought something like this would slip out of his mouth. This is probably the first time I feel insecure from the whole world. I feel like there's no one for me.

That's when I noticed my father's bar friends were waiting for him so that they could go to the bar together and drink again.

"You're running out of time.", He said and I don't know what to do.

"I promise, I will try to make money tomorrow.."

"What about today? How will I drink today?"

"You have lung disease.."

"I don't care. Just give me money."

"I don't have money right now and-"

"Well, I'll give you to one of my friends and they'll pay for my drink. How does that sound?", He said and I was more and more disgusted.

He held my hand and dragged me outside forcefully. Many people were watching and I felt ashamed but who cares about those people. They only know to gossip about others life.

"You're not entering home until you make some money.", He said and along with his friends, he entered inside the house and locked the door.

I knocked the door the entire night but there was no response. I was crying. Many people who work at night was giving me pitful look which I hated the most.

The sun rose and I was standing outside the whole night.

"Bring money and I will give let you in!", He yelled from inside and I don't know what I'm going to do for money.

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